maanantaina, kesäkuuta 14, 2004


Eräs tapa määritellä maskulinismi:
1. a male-friendly framework for understanding social problems.
2. the belief that equality between the sexes requires the recognition and
redress of prejudice and discrimination against men as well as women.
3. a complementary, not oppositional perspective to feminism."
Feminismin ja maskulinismin vertailua:
FEMINISM: is fighting to equal rights for women only.
MASCULISM: is fighting for equity between the sexes - with the equity as close to equality as nature will allow.

FEMINISM : Blames men for all of women's problems. Blames men for all of the world's problems. Blames men for all of men's problems.
MASCULISM: Does not blame one sex for the predicament we find ourselves in - as both sexes have contributed the problems caused by our shared definitions of traditional gender roles.
Eräitä maskulinistisia ajatuksia:
While some feminists consider the sexes as having the same capacities in virtually every respect, they denounce differentiated sex roles as an oppressive artificial construct. Many masculists believe, to the contrary, that profound sex differences are inherent in human nature, and that feminists who have attempted to negate these differences by legislation and social engineering are dragging civilization through a fallacious experiment.
Maskulinismin kritiikkiä($75,000 tax-paid report requested by Status of Women Canada, a department of the Canadian federal government. The report has been called a declaration of
war against men's rights activists both in Canada and the United States.)

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