Kognitiivinen dissonanssi
Kolme suurta feministiä ja Kognitiivisen dissonanssin kirous: (Kognitiivisessa psykologiassa ajatellaan, että ihmiset pyrkivät muodostamaan kognitioista (ajatuksista, mielipiteistä, tiedoista, uskomuksista jne.) loogisia ja ristiriidattomia kokonaisuuksia.)
- For the three feminists, the cognitive dissonance would occur between the ideas that (1) they think males and females are the same (and thus there should be no discrimination against females) and (2) research shows sex differences between males and females. From Festinger's work, we can predict that the tendency will be not to alter their political, ideological beliefs (belief 1), but to rationalize away the findings.Huh huh, toivottavasti palon sattuessa kukaan naispalomies ei tule raahaamaan minua nilkoistani portaita alas. Täytyypä tarkistaakin palovaroittimen patterit muistaessani...
- Possibly inspired by feminist rhetoric, attorneys have sued to make hair salons and others who cut hair charge the same amount for men's and women's haircuts. people who work in these salons say that it is much more work to cut women's hair. Women typically have more hair and it takes longer to do. Also, women are more critical, say the hair cutters, which again makes cutting their hair a more difficult task.
- Gloria Steinem, like many feminists and others who believe in mandated equality (not just equal opportunity; see Eisenman, 1995a), wants women to be hired just as much as men, and thus objects to any pre-employment screening that results in most women not passing. When confronted with the argument that many women are not strong enough to carry injured people out of a burning building, she gave a response which was both funny and sad. It was suggested that such women could only drag injured or unconscious people down the stairs, pulling them by their ankles, which could lead to head injuries, as Cato Burn, a scholar at the Heritage Foundation, pointed out. However, Steinem, trying to defend the hiring of female firefighters, said, "It's better to drag them out, because there is less smoke down there."
Isosisko kirjoittaa:
Tiesittekö muuten, että Suomessa naiset tekevät kotitöistä 67 prosenttia ja miehet 37 prosenttia?Tietääkös Isosisko, että vaikka sinkkuna ollessani minä teenkin 100% kotitöistäni, niin silti teen vain 11% kotitöistä verrattuna naissinkun tekemiin 89% kotitöistä. Se se vasta on huutava vääryys.
Tiede kertoo vastauksen moniin nalkuttamista vaativiin kysymyksiin:
His brain takes in less sensory detail than a woman's, so he doesn't see or even feel the dust and household mess in the same way. Anyhow, the male brain attaches less personal identity to the inside of a home and more to the workplace or the yard -- which is why he doesn't get worked up about housework.Iltalehti kertoo, että naiselokuvatähdet haluavat kumppanikseen yhä useammin itseänsä paljon nuoremman miehen. Lukijatehtävänä kysyisin, miksi ihmeessä juuri filmitähtinaiset haluavat itselleen (komean) nuoremman miehen? Miksi "tavalliset" naiset eivät halua nuorempaa miestä itselleen, vaikka suhde "toyboyn" kanssa voi toimiakin aivan mainiosti?
Male hormones such as testosterone and vasopressin set the male brain up to seek competitive, hierarchical groups in its constant quest to prove self-worth and identity. That is why men, paradoxically (from a hormonally altered new mother's point of view), become even more workaholic once they have kids, to whom they must also prove their worth.
Gurian says his book is aimed mainly at women. "Men get this already. They are living this brain but they don't have the conscious language to explain it. Women are not living it. The consequences are profound for a generation of "liberated" women brought up to believe it is men who have to change, and men who must respond to a female way of relating in order for marriage to succeed.
Törkeän seksistinen luonto tarvitsee Onionin mukaan lisää tasa-arvoa:
"Annie Secunda, a Boston-based females'-rights advocate, said swift action must be taken to address the problem of sexism within the animal kingdom. "We need to provide tigresses, hens, and all other females in nature with outreach programs and support networks," Secunda said. "We also need to impose standards through intervention. The males of all species need to hear loud and clear the message that this kind of animal behavior is not acceptable."
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