lauantaina, heinäkuuta 10, 2004

Ovatko naiset liian helppoja?
Most women don't realize the importance men place on a woman's promiscuity. Women think that because men don't care about how many women they've slept with, they won't care about how many men their woman has slept with. But the reality is that most men (those looking for a serious relationship and not a one-night stand) do place great value on a woman's sexual restraint.

Some women will argue that if men have the right to sleep around, so should women. But I ask only one question: If women adamantly believe this, then why is it that when faced with the question, "How many men have you slept with?", most women who have slept around with truckloads of men always lie? Some women will rationalize that they must do so because men can't handle the truth.

If a woman can show men that she is honest, loyal, trustworthy, and sexually responsible, then she will have the most powerful weapon to attract men. If, on the other hand, a woman abuses her sexual power with many men, it will backfire on her.

Both the women's movement and the media have encouraged women to compete with men in all aspects of life, including sex. Unfortunately, they forgot to mention the consequences, and now you have very happy men who don't need to commit, and very sad women wondering why men don't want to.

Inadvertently, when men meet women, they usually categorize them into two categories: the potentially serious relationship kind, or the "have fun in the process" girl. If she sleeps with him on the first few nights, he'll definitely throw her in the fun category.

The women's sexual movement had women across the United States screaming, "We want equal treatment! We want to be able to do everything men do! We want to have sex!" Well, women did just that and unfortunately, they abused their sexual magic to the point where it lost its value over time.
Radio Suomen Suhteellista-ohjelmassa esiintyivät feministitutkija Anna Kortelainen ja miesaktivisti Jarmo Lindholm.

Frequently Asked Questions about David Buss' book "Evolution of desire: Strategies of human mating":
What are some techniques for attracting a male long-term mate?

1. Displaying fidelity
2. Derogating a rival's fidelity
3. Selective use of playing hard to get (ostentatiously displaying that you are hard for anyone to get - except the person you are interested in.)
4. Denigrating a rival as cold or prudish

What are some techniques for attracting a female long-term mate?

1. Displaying potential for acquiring resources (ambition)
2. Denigrating rival's ambition
3. Wearing costly clothing
4. Displaying commitment (persistence, kindness, nurturance toward children, fidelity, love)
5. Denigrating a rival's fidelity
Iltalehti kirjoittaa Juhani Palmun tapauksesta:
Perjantaina aamupäivällä Leila Palmu oli edelleen järkyttynyt ja vihainen. Hän syytti mediaa liian myönteisten juttujen tekemisestä ja vaatii totuuden tulemista julki. - Miksi te ette kirjoita hänen tappelemisestaan tai hänen rahasotkuistaan? Miksi te aina kehutte häntä? Hänhän elää julkisuuden kautta. Hyvää tai pahaa, hän on aina onnellinen. Pääasia, että kirjoitetaan, Leila Palmu puhui katkerana.
Missä on median vastuu valita juttunsa niin, ettei mediasta tule pelkkää julkisuudenkipeiden pellejen temmellyskenttää? Onko touhussa enää mitään järkeä, jos merkittävä osa lehtien sisällöstä pyörii Matin ja Juhanin ympärillä? Eikö olisi syytä laittaa julkisuudenkipeät toilailijat mediaboikottiin? Ehkäpä on vain tyydyttävä siihen, että ainakin lehdistön suosituin osa tarjoaa paljon julkkisten ylläpitämää "tosimediaa".

Amerikkalaiset ovat jo niin fiksuja, että heidän ei tarvitse edes lukea:
Only 47 per cent of American adults read ?literature? (poems, plays, narrative fiction) in 2002, a drop of seven percentage points from a decade earlier.

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