Ovatko miehet tarpeellisia?
Eikö miesten ja naisten välillä olekaan eroja?
There is, it is presumed, a universal female type beloved by men -- young, unlined, with features that are close to those of an infant -- that signals fertility. If there were a universal male preference for beautiful young women, it would have to be based on a strong correlation between beauty and reproductive success. Sure, Richard Gere chose Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman because of her beauty and youth. But would those qualities have assured enhanced fertility?Ote entisen prostituoidun kirjasta:
The answer, according to empirical research, seems to be no. Having a pretty face as a young adult has no relationship to the number of children a woman produces or to her health across the life span. Among married women, physical attractiveness is unrelated to the number of children they produce. If beauty has little to do with reproductive success, why would nature insist that men select for it? It seems more likely that having a young beauty on his arm indicates, instead, that a man is living up to certain cultural and social norms.
She does not regret her decisions, and knows many women who use prostitution to pay for college. "It's really the ideal college job. I hate to say this, but its true," Angell said. "It's the perfect way to get through school because you have a minimum of time commitment for a maximum of money ? Let's face it, you can work at Barnes and Noble or at 7-11 or something for $8 an hour."Säyseitten miesten kehumista.
Naiset eivät tarvitse miehiä:
Men have ruled since the beginning of time, and what we have to show for it are the mistakes they have made. People are unhappy, hungry, tired, stressed, and sick of the general situation. What is needed is a revolution of sorts -- an upheaval that will change society for the better -- and a plan that can be executed in a relatively short period of time. A brutal and extreme stroke of feminism is the only way to rectify the situation.Ja vastauksia kirjoitukseen:
The men should primarily become tools for the women's enjoyment.
- As this is a university paper, it's been suggested to me that the printing of this article is in violation of the hate speech laws.Euroopan Unioni on tasa-arvoistamassa lakeja:
- I am shocked that any sane editor would allow such an article to be let near a printed page.
- I'm only 22 years old, and I will tell you, the young women of my generation are vastly afraid to associate themselves with "Feminists". WHY? Because of articles such as these...
Female drivers are charged up to 30 per cent less than male drivers because they have fewer crashes. They also pay less for life insurance, because they are less likely to die young.Kuvia, jotka muuttivat maailmaa.
The measures proposed by the European Commission to enforce 'gender equality' would force the financial services industry to treat the sexes equally.
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