tiistaina, tammikuuta 04, 2005

Matriarkaalista sortoa

Miehiä alistetaan taas:
Young women now drive the decisions on what to buy and, unlike older women, it is she, and not her boyfriend or husband, who decides how much to spend.

Women have always controlled the high street but in the past five years they have completely dominated it.

The feminisation of the high street has been so pronounced in the last five years that men are being chased away: your average heterosexual man feels completely out of place on the high street now.

Nowhere is immune from the feminisation process: even the power-tool market has been transformed with lighter-weight, cordless tools sporting handles with rubbery grips like those found on some kitchen utensils.
Hälyttävä miesten sorto kodin ostospäätöksiä koskien on siis muuttumassa yhä räikeämmäksi. Mitä neuvoja feministeillä olisi tuollaisen miesten seksistisen alistamisen lopettamiseksi?

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