Glenn Wilson:
Female´s elaborate courtship rituals that extend the male's investment in the mating sequence will effectively ensure that he is not committed elsewhere and that he is 'sincere' enough in his affection not to abandon his mate immediately after sexual consummation. The female distaste for 'wham, bam thank you, ma'am' sex has deep biological significance.Miehen pitää siis hallita iskurituaalit, jotta hän vaikuttaisi tarpeeksi "vilpittömältä" jatkaakseen suhdetta pitempäänkin.
An interesting demonstration of female control over the occurrence of intercourse has been provided by Peplau, Rubin and Hill (1977). Studying a large number of dating couples on American campuses they found that the length of time they would go out together before sexual 'intimacy' first occurred depended on various characteristics of the female partner, such as her religion and previous experience. The characteristics of the men were irrelevant.
A similar conclusion can be reached on the strength of studies in Californian singles bars of optimal pick-up lines. For a man, what he says is crucial to whether or not he will be successful in getting off with a potential partner. In the case of a woman chatting up a man in this situation, it makes little difference what she says; almost any opening line is 100 per cent successful.Feministien tulisi miettiä keinoja tuollaisen matriarkaalisen yksinvaltiuden purkamiseen. Tasa-arvoisessa yhteiskunnassa miehillä tulisi olla puolet vallasta.
Very few of the girls interviewed said they had started having sex because they wanted to. Usually it was regarded as a price that had to be paid for continuation of a relationship.Niinpä. Toiset maksavat seksistä seurustelun jatkamisella, toiset selvällä rahalla. Miehille pitäisi saada vastaava mahdollisuus tasa-arvoisessa yhteiskunnassa.
The characteristically female trait of coyness makes its appearance very early on in life. At around the age of one or two, little girls are observed to hide their eyes from strangers in a manner that seems to express something half-way between embarrassment and flirtation. This gesture is more typical when the stranger is an adult man other than the father and is seldom observed in little boys. This sequence is perceived by men as appropriate and appealing, whereas brazen staring and overly explicit invitations are considered 'unfeminine' and apt to be counterproductive.Eli jopa feministeilläkin on luontainen flirttailun taito jo yksivuotiaasta alkaen. Sitten he hukkaavat tuon taidon jonnekin, menettävät asemiaan naisten markkina-arvohierarkiassa ja alkavat paheksumaan kanoja, jotka kehtaavat flirttailla kaiken aikaa.
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