Japanin malli:
The 200 women a year who seek help at a clinic in the Tokyo suburbs have not had sex with their husbands in up to 20 years, and some never, according to Kim Myong-gan, who runs the clinic.Tuollinen malli pitäisi saada sukupuolet vaihdettuina Suomeenkin. Vaikkapa alempitasoisten miesten iloksi. Mallissa on se hyvä puoli, että seksiä annetaan seksittömille tasapuolisella periaatteella eikä niin kuin prostituutiossa on tapana - yksipuolisella rahastuksella.
"The women who come to see me love their husbands and aren't looking for a divorce," he told the Guardian. "The problem is that their husbands lose interest in sex or don't want sex from the start. Many men think of their wives as substitute mothers, not as women with emotional and sexual needs."
Mr Kim's short-term solution is unconventional. After an initial 20,000 yen (£100) counselling session, he produces photographs of 45 men, mostly professionals in their 40s, with whom the women are invited to go on dates and then, in almost all cases, arrange regular assignations in hotel rooms.
Mr Kim dismissed charges that his service was little more than a male prostitution ring. "The men volunteer and pay half the hotel and restaurant bills, so legally there is absolutely nothing wrong with it," he said.
He had rescued hundreds of women from despair, he said, but his "sex volunteers" would do nothing to cure the malaise that afflicts the institution of marriage in Japan.
Tuossa uutisessa on se hauska puoli, että tuollaisenaan se naurattaa naisia, mutta jos jutussa sukupuolet vaihdettaisiin, naisten raivostuisivat.
Naiset erovat miehistä enemmän kuin simpansssit:
Men and women may differ by as much as 2 per cent of their entire genetic inheritance, greater than the hereditary gap between humankind and its closest relative, the chimpanzee. "In essence," Willard says, "there is not one human genome, but two: male and female."Pinserissä pohditaan, miten pitäisi suomentaa sana "cool"? Oleellista ei kuitenkaan ole, miten se pitäisi suomentaa, vaan se, oletko itse cool. Cooleutesi voit tsekata täällä.
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