maanantaina, huhtikuuta 25, 2005

Silliä ja salaattia

Sanavuoro perusfeministiselle aatteenjulistukselle:
"A kind of war is being fought, but there is no name for this war in which men are the aggressors and women the victims," she said. MacKinnon, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, is one of the most widely cited legal scholars in the English language.

Just like terrorist attacks, acts of violence against women are carefully planned, targeted at civilians and driven by ideology. Gang rape, pornography and other acts that humiliate and repress women are methodically organized; the targeted victims are essentially all civilians; and the misogynist attitude is as ideological as Islamic fundamentalism, MacKinnon contended.

"The number of people who died at [the terrorists?] hands is the same as the number of women who die at men´s hands-every year," she said. "9/11 happens in this very country every year."

More importantly, MacKinnon argued, public responses to the two types of war differ radically. Wars and disputes among nation-states have generated international discussions and conventions. But men?s war against women has not even brought about an ad-hoc tribunal.
Lukemista: Vapaa-ajattelija lehti (pdf).

The Sexual Competition Hypothesis For Eating Disorders.

1. Physical attractiveness is a major component in the human female?s mate attraction strategy.

2. Concern and anxiety about physical attractiveness is a female psychological adaptation that has evolved through selection and is an important component of female intrasexual competiton for long-term mates.

3. Genetic and/or phenotypic variation exists within the female population for the psychological trait of ?concern about the signs of nubility?.

4.It is argued that the reduced fertility within Western societies has resulted in the retention or the recreation of the nubile shape by an increasing proportion of women beyond the age of nubility thus giving rise to the novel phenomenon of the pseudo-nubile female characterised by the hour-glass shape and its relative thinness. In addition, there have been a range of ecological factors that have tended to intensify female intrasexual competition for long-term mates and has resulted in the progressive tendency towards thinness.

5. The extreme variant of this state is the outcome of runaway female intrasexual competition and is what we call eating disorders.

6. A distinction has been suggested between early and late onset disorder. The early onset disorder (anorexia) is considered a developmental disorder whereby the female nubile shape is set at too thin a level in response to the novel stimulus of the pseudo-nubile female. The late onset disorder (mainly bulimia) arises from the activation of the nubile strategy beyond the age of nubility.

7. This hypothesis gives an account of the ultimate causation of both eating disorders and the pursuit of thinness in females in Western societies. Although it cannot be directly tested and refuted, the predictions the hypothesis makes are testable and refutable.
Women Marry For Money:
Sociologists Pamela Smock, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan, and Wendy Manning, Ph.D., of Bowling Green State University, found that socioeconomic status is a key factor in a cohabitating woman's expectation of marriage. An analysis of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth reveals that women living with men of lesser economic means and lower levels of education were less likely to anticipate marrying their current partner.

Smock explained that while the expectation of marriage is almost 80 percent for white and Hispanic women with high levels of education and income who live with men of equally high socioeconomic standing, this probability falls to 50 percent when women of this same status are paired with men of low socioeconomic means.
Puolison tuen merkitys eri sukupuolille:
A husband's sense of satisfaction with his marriage was unrelated to how he judged the quality of his interactions with his wife, reports University of Michigan psychologist Linda Acitelli, Ph.D. Conversely, a woman's evaluation of both her individual happiness and her relationship satisfaction was closely tied to her perception of marital support.

In other words, she's happy if she's in a supportive, intimate union; he's fine with or without the pillow talk. The gender gap was so dramatic that Acitelli concludes "it's the status of being married that's the important thing for men."

In any case, maintaining an intimate bond is a matter of life and death for men. Research has shown that married men are much healthier and happier than their bachelor brothers. Government demographer Paul

C. Glick, Ph.D., once went so far as to figure that "being married is about twice as advantageous to men as to women" in terms of continued survival.

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