Naiset rikastuvat:
Women currently owned 48% of Britain's personal assets but this would rise to 60% by 2025 as women reaped the dividend of better qualifications, more equal pay, higher levels of home ownership and longer life expectancy.Häh, rahat on jaettava tasan miesten ja naisten kesken - rikkaustasa-arvon nimissä.
Vuoden perustelupalkinto menee yleiselle syyttäjälle:
...kihlakunnansyyttäjä oli puhunut loppupuheenvuorossa syytetystä epäasiallisesti. Hän oli muun muassa antanut ymmärtää, että syytetyn kaltainen nörtti ei tajua naisista yhtään mitään ja on tuskin pitänyt naista edes kädestä...Sukupuolieroja:
Syyttäjän näkemys oli perustunut vastaajan itsensä esittämiin tosiasioihin siitä, että hän oli koulutukseltaan diplomi-insinööri...
The situation may vary among cultures but, says Geary, culture will never change the fact that men can potentially reproduce more frequently than women. "It will always lead to some level of conflict of interest between men and women. Women want men to invest in their kids and them, and by doing so, men lose the opportunity to have multiple mates." And, he adds, there is no culture in which there is equality between men and women in childcare. "Women," he adds, "hate to hear that."
He's right. Women do hate to hear that. Not only women of the general public, but women researchers as well. Riled psychologists, many of them women, sat up in alarm when the evolutionary psychology theories started snowballing in academic journals and in the popular press as well.
"One of my objections to evolutionary psychology," explains Mary Gergen, Ph.D., professor of psychology and women's studies at Pennsylvania State University-Delaware County and a hard-core believer that gender is primarily a social construct, "is that it tends to stabilize and justify existing patterns of social relationships. They say are presenting 'just the facts ma'am,' but it justifies the status quo."
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