lauantaina, toukokuuta 07, 2005

Psykonarttuuden alkujuurilla

Tutkimus: Meanness in girls can start when they still are toddlers, a Brigham Young University study found. It found that girls as young as 3 or 4 will use manipulation and peer pressure to get what they want.

Researchers have long known that adolescents, particularly girls, engage in this sort of behavior, called relational aggression, to maintain their social status.

Hart said other research has found that about 17 percent to 20 percent of preschool and school-age girls display such behavior. It also shows up in boys, but much less frequently.

Uusia koulutusvaihtoehtoja naisille (STM?): It?s higher education of the horizontal variety. About 25 sex workers went to a college of sorts, sitting through lectures on effective marketing, stress reduction and, um, sex-toy skills.

Joko Suomen ammattikorkeakouluissa olisi aika vastaaville opinnoille?

Asiallista lainkäyttöä: A FRENCHMAN has won a ground-breaking ruling against his former wife and her lover, ordering them to pay back the money that he had spent on bringing up a child he had mistakenly assumed to be his own.

The man, named as G in the ruling, was awarded ?23,000 (£15,600) after a DNA test revealed that he was not the father of the 13-year-old child, Astrid.

Mukava nähdä, että edes joissain maissa oikeus tapahtuu.

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