perjantaina, toukokuuta 20, 2005

Punakone voittaa

Naiset shakissa (vaatii rekisteröitymisen): Nine of chess´s 950 international grandmasters are female, and there is just one woman, Judit Polgar of Hungary, ranked among the world`s top 100 players (she is No. 8).

"We have women who run companies, we have women who serve in the Army, so it`s not impossible for them to play chess on the same level with men. The only thing is, we need to create an environment for them so that we can truly build up their stamina to compete equally."

The push to level the board comes amid national debate about whether there are inherent sex differences in aptitude for math and science. Male dominance in a game that does not depend on physical strength or speed remains a mystery. Players, parents and chess promoters say they see differences in play that are surprisingly stereotypical: boys are always on the attack and care above all about winning, while girls focus more on defense and admire the art of certain positions.

In part, the sex imbalance can be explained by history: men have been playing chess for 2,000 years, women only since the late 19th century. Indeed, Mary Jo Kane, director of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport, at the University of Minnesota, said generations of social conditioning that steered girls away from games with winners and losers outweighed any genetic disposition. "The whole system is set up to discourage girls from being overly competitive, especially against males, and a true man, by definition, is somebody who wants to win at all costs," said Ms. Kane, a sociologist. "For boys, high-level competition is about take no prisoners, and let us not forget, girls are not rewarded for having a take-no-prisoners mentality, girls who have a take-no-prisoners mentality are punished."

Punaiset vaatteet päällä voittaa peleissä. (siksi suomi ei pärjää lätkässä)

Runobotista suollettua:
Autiolla rannalla asuvat hyppyritukka ja ATM, naapurukset.

ATM kävi taloksi röyhkeästi kuin hyppyritukka. Sahasin sen poikki.


Tyttöystävätyyppien vaihtoehdotkaan eivät näytä houkuttelevilta.

1 kommentti:

  1. En yleensä tajua runoja, mutta repesin kun kokeilin itsekin tuota runobottia - on kuin se tietäisi jotain syvällistä todellisuuden luonteesta!

    Tässäpä mitä sieltä suoltui:

    "ATM haluaa enemmän
    kuin kuunnella vieraita
    joilla on silmissä Alphauros"

    - Vortac


Valitse itsellesi joku nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. Älä laita ruksia kohtaan "Anonyymi".