perjantaina, toukokuuta 13, 2005

Suomi, orjatyön kehto

A global alliance against forced labour. Global Report under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 2005 (pdf): Today, at least 12.3 million people are victims of forced labour worldwide. Of these, 9.8 million are exploited by private agents, including more than 2.4 million in forced labour as a result of human trafficking. Another 2.5 million are forced to work by the
State or by rebel military groups.

Forced labour represents a severe violation of human rights and restriction of human freedom, as defined in the ILO Conventions on the subject and in other related international instruments on slavery, practices similar to slavery, debt bondage or serfdom. The ILO´s definition of forced labour comprises two basic elements: the work or service is exacted under the menace of a penalty and it is undertaken involuntarily.

Economic exploitation(7,810,000)
State or military imposed(2,490,000)
Commercial sexual exploitation(1,390,000)

Finland for Thought on ihmetellyt samaa suomalaista orjatyön hyväksyntää useampaankin otteeseen: Finland would rather force its men against their will into the army and not pay them a proper salary. I find it funny how unions and the government get their panties all in a bunch when the poor and helpless workers aren`t getting a "fair wage" - but they ignore the fact that their young men get virtually nothing for their sacrifice into the armed forces.

Hey, what´s that word to describe the act of forcing people to do work against their will? Oh that´s right, it´s called slavery - and that´s exactly what the Finnish military and non-military service is.

Eikä kyse ole palkästään orjatyöstä, vaan sukupuolittuneesta orjatyöstä, jossa miehet ovat uhreja.

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Valitse itsellesi joku nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. Älä laita ruksia kohtaan "Anonyymi".