sunnuntaina, lokakuuta 23, 2005


Ruotsin feministipuolueen kannatusevoluutio.
1. When feminist party was founded six months ago, polls showed that a quarter of voters would consider supporting Feminist Initiative in elections next year because of rising domestic violence against women and higher salaries for men.

2. Swedish feminists whose newly formed party is disintegrating after hardliners presented a manifesto advocating a "man tax", the abolition of marriage and the creation of "gender-neutral" names. The party called also for the creation of more "gender-neutral" names such as "Robin" or "Norva" that could apply to a boy or a girl.

3. In new opinion polls only 1.3% of voters said they would vote for the feminist party.
No, Ruotsin feministejä ei ainakaan voi syyttää äänestäjien kosiskelemisesta ja populismista.

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Valitse itsellesi joku nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. Älä laita ruksia kohtaan "Anonyymi".