Porn is screwing us up:
Pornography, says Pamela Paul, is destroying our marriages and families and twisting our children's ideas about sex and sexuality.Pornohan on sinällään halpa naisen korvike - ei likikään aidon veroinen, mutta hinta/laatu suhteeltaan kilpailukykyinen. Naisilla on seksin suhteen monopoli ja pornolla on tervetullut vaikutus tuon monopolin murentajana.
Porn, she says, is bad for us. Men who use porn, she says, have trouble being turned on by "real" women. Their sex lives with their girlfriends and wives collapse. Women find themselves constantly trying to measure up to the impossible bodies and sexual performances of the porn stars their men lust after.
Six out of 10 women state that pornography affects how men expect them to look and behave (and four in 10 men agree). Even college-age women contemplate getting breast implants to keep up with porn stars. Similarly, six in 10 women believe porn changes men's expectations of how they should behave. Women find themselves forced to compete on all fronts.
She is betrayed. One-third of women see men using porn as cheating, while only 17 percent of men equate porn with cheating.
Four in 10 Americans say pornography harms relationships between men and women. Nearly half of women describe fall-out in relationships; only one-third of men say the same thing. Couples describe a breakdown in closeness and a growing absence of trust.
Divorce lawyers report cases of porn tearing couples apart. Nearly two-thirds of attorneys at the 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers witnessed a sudden rise in divorces related to the Internet; 58 percent of those were the result of a spouse looking at excessive amounts of porn online.
"Women find themselves constantly trying to measure up to the impossible bodies and sexual performances of the porn stars their men lust after." Olen sen verran katsonut pornoa, että pornotähtien suoritusten jäljittely ei ole kovin vaikeaa. Jokainen nainen pystyy viikossa parissa opettelemaan internetin ohjeiden mukaan heidän parhaat kikkansa. Kyse onkin enemmän tahdosta - on tietenkin luonnollista, että naiset eivät halua nähdä vaivaa opetellakseen pornon saloja nettiesikuvien mukaan. Helpommallahan sitä tietenkin pääsisi, jos miehiltä evättäisiin vertailumahdollisuus pornon taitajiin.
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