torstaina, huhtikuuta 27, 2006


Suomalaisten silmille:
The absence of Norway from the EU makes Sweden and Finland look like a drooping cock and balls on the EU coins.

Oh joy, I've secretly thought scandanavia looked like cock and balls ever since I was a 5th grader learning geography. And I couldn't tell anyone. I'm not alone!
Joukkomurha virheellisesti määrättyjen liian suurten elatusmaksujen takia:
A clerical error caused the state to assess a man who went on a shooting rampage last week five times more per month in child support than he actually owed.

Herbert L. Chalmers, who shot four people to death before killing himself last week, told a sometime girlfriend he raped during the rampage that he was upset about his child support obligations. One of the victims was the mother of some of his children.
Viikon lausahdus asian tiimoilta: Deborah Scott, spokeswoman for the Missouri Department of Social Services: "Rape and murder are not rational responses to resolving one's concerns over child support obligations".

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