tiistaina, kesäkuuta 06, 2006


Steve Sailerin kirjoituksesta löytyi itseeni osuva luokitus:
Classic systematizers like physicists and computer nerds are mostly male. Men are, on average, more interested in understanding the general rules that govern complex non-human systems.

In contrast, women tend to be more attuned to what makes the individuals around them tick. Thus, women tend to be better than men at matchmaking, planning parties, giving personal advice, and childcare. These are all tasks where empathizing with another`s point-of-view and personality is more important than discerning large underlying patterns.

But I?d argue that there`s also a third, hybrid category: "People Nerds."

Like the empathizers, we People Nerds think there's nothing more interesting than human beings. But, like the systematizers, we're more interested in figuring out the big picture than in focusing on individual peccadilloes.

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