WOMEN victims of domestic violence often go straight from one abusive relationship to another.
Professor Nicholson, who carried out the research in collaboration with the Sheffield Domestic Abuse Forum, said she was well aware of the controversial nature of the work.Eli naiset menevät hakkaavan miehen luota toisen hakkaavan miehen luokse saamaan turpiinsa ja feministien mielstä sitä ei saisi sanoa ääneen, koska silloin syyllistetään väkivallan "uhri". Todennäköisesti koko naisiin kohdistuva väkivalta voitaisiin lopettaa, jos naiset ottaisivat vastuun omasta käytöksestään, eivätkä suosisi väkivaltaisia miehiä yksi toisensa jälkeen. Silloin kilteille ATM:llekin löytyisi helpommin seuraa. Naisten itsetuhoinen käytösmalli olisi saatava kuriin mitä pikimmiten.
"It?s unfashionable to talk about cycles of abuse, but that is what I found," she said. "It is almost like a cycle of victimhood. In some circles it is taboo to mention that some abused women had been abused before."
She added: "I?ve spoken to social work practitioners who were not surprised that some women had a number of violent partners and had a violent past."
"There are feminist advocates who say that if you start talking about cycles of deprivation or abuse, then it appears that nothing can change for these women, but that is not true."
The study was criticised by Sandra Horley, chief executive of Refuge, who described it as "limited? and said it encouraged the "well-known sport of victim blaming".
She said: "The blaming, the passing of the buck and the justifications go on and on and round and round. The real issue is that abusive men fail to take responsibility for their behaviour, and society turns a sceptical face towards the women it should be helping, rather than looking for the deeper truths and causes which are harder to address."
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