torstaina, tammikuuta 11, 2007


Marriage - Here's The Deal.
Marriage for women has become a business deal. So I thought I'd quickly outline what the deal represents to both parties. For the woman it makes good sense as she's usually in a no lose situation. She'll make sure that her future husband earns more than she does and she'll rule out of the running any man who has less in the way of assets than she has. This means that the "up front" money is largely provided by the man.

What's even better for the woman is the fact that should she divorce it's she who will get the joint assets most of which were paid for by her husband. So for the female in this deal it's little money in and lots of money out and this happens even if she cheats on her husband. It's a bit like having a business partner in a joint business where you've signed a contract that means that you have to provide all of the stake money but your business partner takes most of the company assets even if they embezzle the company. No one on earth would sign-up for such a one-sided arrangement and yet that's exactly what happens when a man gets married.

Avioerokirjemalli miehille.

1 kommentti:

  1. Ai miten niin avioliitosta on jotenkin yhtäkkiä tullut taloudellinen sopimus? Sehän on ollut sitä aina. Lukekaa pojat Jane Austenia. Tai Suomen lakia, jossa avioparilla on esim. toistensa elatusvelvollisuus, joka on varsin tasa-arvoinen velvollisuus nykyään verrattuna aikoihin, jolloin nainen ei voinut omistaa tai hallita omia ansioitaan.

    Lain nojalla on kenelle vaan sukupuolesta riippumatta fiksua valita itseä rikkaampi puoliso. Kaikille se ei onnistu, ja jotkut eivät edes välitä. Jos tämä on teille ylitsepääsemätön ongelma, älkää menkö naimisiin, tai jos menette, laittakaa avioehto. Kuka käskee olla idiootti, kun hommat voi hoitaa siististi etukäteen?

    Terv. nainut nainen


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