When you ask a woman the time-honored question, "What do you look for in a guy?" I can guarantee you with 100% accuracy that her answer is going to contain some mixture of the following elements:Stop Violence Against Women questionnaire.
1. Sense of humor
2. Good looks
3. A good personality
4. Someone fun
5. A good listener
All the above is pure, unadulterated horseshit.
One of the most important lessons to learn about women is the following:
What they THINK they want, what they SAY they want, and what they are actually attracted to, are three entirely different things.
So when you ask a woman her opinion of what she wants, it’s a lot like asking her for an honest opinion of herself: what’s going to come out of her mouth in answer is pretty much white-washed and delusional. She will give you an answer you want to hear, or an answer that is socially acceptable and carefully tailored not to ruffle any (of her female friends’) feathers, or contravene any social or feminist laws or expectations.
Women respond to emotional states that they find themselves in as a result of a strong masculine presence. Women are attracted to men that can make them feel a certain way, men that can put them in the right states.
One common emotional state that women enjoy being put in: challenged.
Another one: confusion.
Another: off-guard, unbalanced, uneasy.
Can you spot the pattern? If you can, give yourself a cookie. If not, let me give you another hint:
Women enjoy (and are aroused by) being made to feel that they are not in control. This is their natural emotional state as women, and it is positively and evolutionarily linked to the occurrence of them being taken care of, sheltered, provided for, and pair-bonded in a long-term survival situation.
Now that I’ve given the game away, it should be pretty clear what sort of male behavior women are really after, what they really get turned on by: dominance.
Now feminists, or others of egalitarian persuasion, are going to explode over that last sentence. "Men aren’t inherently higher value than women! How dare you suggest that!"
To which I say, I didn’t make up these rules. I’m just telling you what works. And what works is acting as if you are the higher value individual in the interaction.
The advice to simply “Be The Man” needs to be unpacked, thusly: be the man who doesn’t care about the female response to his conversation. Be the man who has a girlfriend waiting at home and is just chilling out at a martini bar, killing time. Be the man who loves women and enjoys teasing them but is not overly concerned with what they have to say or how they act.
So, to recap:
* Women respond to dominant males
* Women are attracted to, and respond to, dominant, playful behavior from these males
* Women do not want to be “pedestaled”; they would actually prefer you be a higher value than they are
perjantaina, tammikuuta 26, 2007
Näin saat naisen kuumaksi
What Makes Women Hot (or, Understanding Attraction):
"Stop Violence Against Women questionnaire.
VastaaPoistaFinally, did you know globally Domestic Violence is the major cause of death and disability for women aged 16 to 44 and accounts for more death and ill-health than cancer or traffic accidents?"
Vailla kritiikkiä on tämänkin paska näköjään nielty muuallakin. Euroopan sijasta nyt väitetään näin olevan koko maailmassa. Valehtelu on saanut jo niin suuren mittakaavan, etteivät pysty omaa väitettään oikeaksi näyttämään. Ulkopuolisen on lähes mahdotonta tarkistaa väitettä esim. WHOn kannasta tai muista neutraaleista lähteistä.
Tai sitten tämä tuttu hokema on pakkosyötetty ilman vaihtoehtoja ja hyväksytetty ilman vastaväitteitä, jotta sopuisa kanssaelo jatkuisi - muiden kysymysten perusteella vastaväite olisi ollut väkivaltaa. Se taas herättää monia uusia kysymyksiä WR:n ja profeministimiesten asemasta feminismissä.
Lyhyesti sanottuna vauhtisokeus on päällä ja on vain ajan kysymys milloin lepikko raikaa.