perjantaina, tammikuuta 26, 2007


Women in Prison:
Female inmates are nothing like male inmates. They don't follow the 'Code of Silence' like male inmates do. They love to tell on each other, they love to kiss up to the officers, and they loooooove to complain. Worst of all, they throw off my Prison Mojo. With male inmates I usually know what's going on and my internal compass points me in the right direction. A gang-banger looks and acts like a gang-banger. A child molester looks and acts like a child molester. My Prison Mojo is finely tuned enough that I can usually walk into just about any situation and know what I'm dealing with.

Not so with female inmates. One second they are sweet and innocent 'girls' who cry if you look at them funny. The next they are furious harpies willing to claw your eyes out. Some women earn reputations as more insane than the others, but that's never much comfort because each and every one of them has the potential to snap on you without warning.
'Housewife' and Producer Create a Guidebook That Tells Guys How to be Better Beaus.

Britain's Angry Wives Target Bonuses in Divorce Cases.
The climate is so favorable to ex-wives that divorce lawyer Jeremy Levison advises bankers and hedge fund executives to avoid the altar altogether. Pre-nuptial agreements offer little protection because U.K. judges aren't bound to follow them.

``Don't get married,'' said Levison, a partner at London- based family law firm Levison Meltzer Pigott. ``If you must, make sure your other half is as rich as you are.''

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