maanantaina, elokuuta 15, 2011


Aloitan uuden, pääasiassa markkina-arvoteoriaa syventävästi tarkastelevan blogin Huoltamo.comissa. Postauksia tullee näillä näkymin pari viikossa.

Ensimmäisessä postauksessa kertaillaan Seksuaalisen markkina-arvoteorian lähtökohtia.

Uuden Suomen blogini jää toistaiseksi tauolle.

Tämä blogi jatkaa vanhaan malliin.

40 kommenttia:

  1. IS:

    Perheenisä törmäili ja ajoi humalassa perhe kyydissään

    Julkaistu: 15.08.2011 08:25, päivitetty: 15.08.2011 08:40

    Päihtyneenä vaimoaan ja lapsiaan kuljettanut mies törmäsi tunnelin seinään autollaan ja ajeli vielä kaupungilla.

    Poliisin kiinniottama mies puhalsi myöhemmin poliisille noin 0,6 promillen lukemat.

    Poliisi sai ilmoituksen sunnuntai-iltana seitsemältä, että henkilöautoilija törmäsi rautatieaseman tunnelissa seinään. Poliisipartio sai näköyhteyden Launeella ilmoitettuun autoon ja se saatiin pysäytettyä Huovilankadulle. Kuljettaja 27-vuotias mies puhalsi 0,30 mg/l seulonta-alkometriin.

    Määräaikaiskatsastamattoman auton kyydissä oli vaimo sekä kaksi lasta.

    Kuljettaja käytettiin tarkkuusalkometrikokeessa ja hänen ajo-oikeutensa peruutettiin.

  2. Henry, oletko julkaissut markkina-arvoteoriasta vertaisarvioituja artikkeleita?

  3. Tuo katolleen ajaminen onkin uutisoinnin arvoinen - niin harvoin sitä sattuu naisille.

  4. Vaikka miehen tietty pitää tehdä mitä miehen pitää tehdä, olisi ollut mukavaa, jos uusi blogi olisi käsitellyt tasa-arvoa laajasti.

  5. "vertaisarvioituja artikkeleita"

    Eihän se onnistu, sillä Henry on ylivertainen tällä saralla. Verraton uranuurtaja Suomessa.

    "uusi blogi olisi käsitellyt tasa-arvoa laajasti"

    Feministi-Suomessa ei missään kirjoiteta ja keskustella yhtä laajasti tasa-arvosta kuin Henry Laasasen blogeissa.

  6. Pravdassa päivän kysymys siitä, että tarvitaanko narttukiintiöitä. Tällä hetkellä kyllä-vastauksia on 21 prosenttia ja ei-vastauksia on 79 prosenttia.

  7. "Verraton uranuurtaja Suomessa"

    Ehkä Suomessa, mutta Henrylle englanninkieli ei tuota taatusti mitään ongelmia. Ei muuta kuin toimeen.

    Jorma voi sillä välin googlata käsitteen "vertaisarviointi", tai "referee".

  8. "keskustella yhtä laajasti"


  9. "Jorma voi sillä välin googlata käsitteen "vertaisarviointi", tai "referee"."

    Googlaa vaikka "huumori", spede. Mutta ethän sinä siitä mitään ymmärtäisi.

  10. Heh, kuinkahan monta hernettä mahtuu Jorman nokkaan?

    Hei, ota Jorma vähän rennommin joskus:)

  11. "kuinkahan monta hernettä mahtuu Jorman nokkaan?"

    Minä nautin herneeni suun kautta. Kannattaisi sinunkin kokeilla, jos uskallat.

    George Soros the billionaire didn't even give me a birthday gift for three years, so I'm suing, says his ex-lover

  12. Tuossa blogialustassa olisi järkevää, että blogikirjoituksen otsikko olisi sivun otsikossa. Tekee paljon järkevämmäksi jakaa noita kirjoituksia esim. Facebookissa. (Ja joku Facebook suosittelunappi tohon kannattaa pistää).

  13. HS:

    "Härkäjuoksuun osallistunut mies kuoli lauantai-iltana Xativan pikkukaupungissa Espanjassa härän lävistettyä hänet sarvellaan.

    Noin 30-vuotias mies oli silminnäkijöiden mukaan ollut juovuksissa, ja järjestäjät olivat turhaan yrittäneet estää miestä pääsemästä härkien lähelle."

  14. Pieni pläjäys Genusnyttistä, jonka Google translate yleensä kääntää ymmärrettävästi (välillä tosin merkitys voi kääntyä päinvastaiseksi):

    Sometimes sex suspect uninteresting ...

    "Women are subjected to discrimination bike racks"

    In Uppsala, women suffer gender discrimination through bike places. These are namely designed so that you can not park a bicycle with basket on the handlebars.

    "There is discrimination against women," said the municipality's moderate mayor Cecilia Forss.

    Two newspapers mocks gender hysteria in the woods

    Here's a sign that we might (?) Begins to alienate us from the worst gender hysteria. In a short time, two Swedish pundits have written articles in which they mock the Government's efforts to address the alleged deficiencies in gender equality in the woods - the gender of the forest.

    Women seem to thrive in this trap

    Now showing such a study echo the SR has made it all more nurses choose to work part time. Due to the stressful working conditions, says Echo.

    Moreover, 1: Speaking of Women's trap - we have become accustomed to know that women suffer most of the time. Now I happened to see that women are most affected by nightmares, too. See here . And in psychiatric care are women most at risk - here . Moreover, a researcher found yet another scourge for women - they are forced to dress according to their age ( this ). It is well patriarchy that forces, one can assume. Did you know that women are forced into too tight costumes ( here )? And Rescue Services Agency says that women are prevented from becoming firefighters, so therefore they had to be lowered ( this ).

    For the rest 2, a completely different thing: Two young girls took a taxi from Stockholm to Örebro, where they left the cab running instead of paying. They were charged with fraudulent behavior, so-called snyltningsbrott. Now, however, the girls acquitted in both District Court and Court of Appeals, arguing that the girls said that a "guy" in Orebro would pay for the trip (which he obviously did not). I wonder - had the assessment been the same if there were two guys who have run note? Read more here . Thanks for the tip, Frederick!

  15. Breast wrong that women Parks worse?

    Researchers have studied men and women and great parking. 65 people were asked to park an Audi A6 on a regular parking lot, and the researchers measured both the time it took and how good the results were.

    The female car drivers took more time, on average 20 seconds longer. In addition, accomplished women, on average, a worse result. Inferior position in the box, that is.

    Dr. Wolf says that the results confirm previous research showing that men have better spatial awareness and better coordination.

    This gender difference has been known for a long time in research circles - among other things, I mentioned it in Chapter 1 of my book Six feminist myths (as part of the crack of the myth that sex is a social construct).

    The feminist writer Germaine Greer has ruled on the scientific study of parking skill. She says, first, that the study is meaningless. Then she says that women's inferior performance is men's fault - the men do not allow women to practice with the family car. But she also has another explanation, she says:

    "You have to remember that women also have breasts which makes it very difficult to turn around."

    Since Greer says that the current research study is "a provocation against such as me." According to Wikipedia is Germaine Greer "one of the most influential feminist voices of modern times".

    Men's sacrifice created Norway's prosperity

    New DJ school discriminates against men


    It is free and is open only to girls. Men stopped because of their gender.

    Thus the aim is for greater equality. The tool is rough sex. Certainly, our world is funny. War is peace. Freedom is slavery.

    Seven year old reported for rape

    In Kungsbacka has two seven boys reported to the police for the rape of a 14-year-old girl. Age of seven were to have been the girl to undress, and then, they have rubbed their genitals against her.

  16. Confidentiality protects the woman who kidnapped children

    A Swedish woman has kidnapped her two children, brought them from South Africa to Sweden and hidden them here. The woman is now wanted for the crime of arbitrary by children, which can provide up to one year in prison. There is also a Swedish court ruling that the children will be retrieved by police and returned to his father in South Africa.

    Social services in Malmö know where the woman is hiding the kidnapped children. But they may not disclose information, either to the police or the father. Privacy Policy, prevent it.

    Two out of three mothers want to work part-time

    Rape, "rape" and technical legal reasons

    Here you can read about a 15-year-old boy convicted of sexual abuse of his 13-year-old girlfriend. The right says that intercourse was voluntary, from the girl's side, but the boy is sentenced yet.

    I'm not saying it is legally wrong managed. I have in the current situation is not a basis to assess. But I think it's interesting to compare with another recent case, a girl in their late teens were charged with rape of a 14-year-old boy.

    The interesting thing is the media's description of the alleged rape in the case of a girl standing on it. In one case, wrote that the girl was charged with "the technical legal reasons" (not the real reason), in another case was used quotes around the word rape in a headline. I have blogged about it here and here .

    Women earn the most - it is still not enough

    Police Academy squeezed by discriminated against men

    Discrimination Ombudsman (DO) has received 80 complaints from men who feel discriminated against since they are not admitted to the country's police training.

    Notifiers want to know if it is legal to deny a male candidate site for the benefit of a female, even if he does better in entrance tests.

    Insider tells of social oppression male

    I work in social services. Where we work with child custody cases where too often the case that the woman has been "beaten, raped, threatened or assaulted." The children have been "threatened, beaten or subjected to incest or suspicion thereof," by the father.

    Why am I writing this in quotes?

    Because it often turns out to be a truth with modifkation.

  17. A huge problem for the man that

    One of the few who has done research on rape against men is Lara Stemple from the University of California. She works in their Health and Human Rights Law Project, and has written a report called Male Rape and Human Rights . I quote Lara Stemple:

    "The lack of interest in sexual assaults against women during conflict is particularly noteworthy in light of the large scale problem. It has been documented worldwide, including in Chile, Greece, Croatia, Sri Lanka, El Salvador, Iran, Kuwait, the former Soviet Union, Congo and the former Yugoslavia. For example, reports the astonishing 76% of male political prisoners surveyed in El Salvador during the 1980s to the victims of sexual torture at least once. As part of another conflict reports 21% of men from Sri Lanka who are receiving treatment at a treatment center for torture victims in London that they were subjected to sexuela abuse during their captivity. [...] A study of 6,000 concentration camp prisoners in Sarajevo showed that 80% of men reported that they had been raped in custody. "

    Lara Stemple also writes:

    "The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia also started a" Sexual Assault Investigation Team, "which among other things, examined the incidence of rape during the civil war. The team reported that the men were castrated and otherwise sexually mutilated, forced to rape other men, and forced to carry out fellatio ["blowjob"] and other sexual acts on guards and each other. "

    Guardian newspaper writes about the problem of rape against men. Here is an example of a fate that they describe:

    "During their escape from the civil war in neighboring Congo, he became separated from his wife and taken by the rebels. His captors raped him three times a day, every day for three years. And he was not the only one. He watched as man after man was picked out and raped. One of them had such severe wounds that he died in the cell in front of him. "
    Here you can read a typical article on sexual violence in war. It's about Wallström's work as head of the UN in the fight against sexual violence in war and conflict. The title is: "Sexual violence against women - history's greatest silence."

  18. Sukupuolisensitiivisyyden aika?:

    Researchers need more manliness in kindergarten

    Danish and Norwegian researchers say that preschool is suffering from too feminine values. It affects boys negatively. It is therefore more males among pre-school staff, so that there is more time for football, climbing and other "typically male" activities. Scientists believe that a greater focus on the differences between boys and girls.

    "Five-year boys feel much worse in Danish kindergartens than girls. It is because we are betraying the boys in the feminine universe, "says Niels Egelund, professor at the DPU Aarhus University.
    Here's what Gideon Zlotnik, specialist in child psychiatry:

    "We have the paradox that on one hand want to have real boys. That wins championships and are good soldiers. On the other hand, it inhibits that part of the boy's development in the educational context, because it is mainly women who govern. And so they become like real boys in a negative way. They become restless, aggressive and cross-border. "

    When I read the last sentence, my mind insane attack in Norway. Is there possibly a connection?

    In Sweden, we know that a road that is the opposite of what the above mentioned researchers are advocating. One prominent example is the pre Egalia in Stockholm, which was the objective of eradicating gender. On Egalia change, for example, children's songs so that "hen" replace "he" and "she". It becomes "A confectioner here live in the city, hen bakes cakes most of the day".

  19. Is this gender work in the DN's editorial?

    Today publishes DN following article on the editorial page of the rebellion in Egypt (click on image to enlarge it):

    It is interesting that the whole revolution in Egypt symbolized by an angry female protester. I have no doubt the picture's authenticity. What I am thinking of is:

    1st Is the picture representative of the situation in Egypt?
    second Is it a coincidence that the picture shows a woman (or image editor actively looking out a picture of a woman as part of the paper's gender work)?

    I had no time to browse many pages of the DN until the following ideas emerged. It's about 1.2 million people yesterday protested against the regime in Syria (click to enlarge):

    I can confirm that as far as I can see is not a single adult male in the picture. Only women. Possibly the odd man far in the background.

    If this picture I say the same thing I said above about the second picture.

    Two different countries in the Middle East, two pictures of women in the context where we know that male dominance is compact. It's a good snapshot of society and the media climate in Sweden 2011th

    A exfeminist tells of his conversion

    He demands new feminism free TV channel

    Actor Ulf Brunnberg says in today's "Summer in the P1 'on his dream - a feminism free TV channel especially for men. "Imagine that you avoid having to obtain all feminism that evicted out continuously by various media," he says in Expressen ( here ).
    It is almost only women who appear in the demonstration. This is interesting. I doubt not that the image is genuine and that it looked just like this on this site. What I am wondering is:

    1st Is the picture representative of the situation in Syria (with women as the main demonstrators)?
    second Is it a coincidence that a picture with mostly women, were selected for publication by the DN, or editorial staff actively looking for a female image as a feature in terms of gender work?

    7% of women passionate about career

  20. Suspicion of false rape certificate

    Woman cut penis - fun?

    Women castrated his unfaithful men
    Infidelity can be dangerous. It knows Songram, 24, and Amnart, 20. Both have had their penises cut off in the fall. After having been revealed with other women, the two young men from the province of Chonburi in Thailand today, more than repentant.
    Aftonbladet described the words as if men got what they deserved. It is incomprehensible that the gross mutilation can be described that way. Completely incomprehensible. It's probably just the group "men" believed to be so low that such a description is possible.

    Women were considered to have reason to mistreat

    A drunk man pinched a woman on the behind on the subway. She responded by kicking him, hitting him in the face with fists and knees him (or she tried to knee him, the information in the Metro is unclear). Here is one of the pictures from övervakningskamernan, it shows a spark.

    Now the man accused of sexual molestation. The female prosecutor chooses not to prosecute the woman for assault because the prosecutor believes that the woman in question had reason to beat up the man.

    This could be the beginning of a new law - that every citizen is entitled to take the law into their own hands and self-punishing an offender. There is a huge step away from the traditional rule of law in this case, the rule that only a court can award the penalty. A step in the direction of Wild West lynching culture.

    I wonder if the new law also applies to men who beat women? "He abused his wife but we decline to prosecute, she deserved it really."

  21. The women just want to be middle managers

    Among women, 12 percent would one day become top managers, while 30 percent of men have that goal. Almost three times as many male as female students would thus become top managers. Instead they want more women than men, 64 to 47 percent, become middle managers.

    The women in the business school has thus significantly lower career aspirations than men. I wonder if this might affect how many men and women who will one day become top managers. What do you think?

  22. At Home Dads are dangerous to their infants says family counselor Eva Sternberg. She believes that the increased number of infant accidents due to more men's paternity leave.

    She believes that women have evolved through time to care for and protect babies while men develop other skills.
    - Men have not been evolving to take care of young children, says Eva Sternberg.

  23. Video:

    Documentary about sexual violence against men

    In view of the article in Svenska Dagbladet by Anna Laestadius Larsson , based on an article in The Guardian - and my last post about this so can I access a documentary about a great sexual violence against women in war. It's called Against Gender, however , and mentioned in the original article in The Guardian. Chris Dolan, one of those who made ​​the documentary, says the author of the article in The Guardian that there was an attempt to stop the movie and the author of a report by the UN on the sexual violence in Eastern Africa wanted to rape the definition would only apply to women. See!

  24. Kirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.

  25. Millä helvetin perusteella naikkonen olisi oikeutettu saamaan kymmeniä miljoonia miljardööriltä vain sillä perusteella, että on kenties levittänyt pilluaan tälle, vaikkeivat he ole edes olleet naimisissa? Onko syntymäpäivälahjojen antamattomuus tai se, että vaikka mies olisikin pettänyt naista, muka joku peruste?

    New Yorkissa on pian meneillään mehevä oikeustaistelu, jossa ex-tyttöystävä vaatii saataviaan 81-vuotiaalta George Sorosilta.

  26. Ylen Aamu-TV:ssä kerrottiin pari päivää sitten hiukan yllättäen TS:n jutusta, jossa turinoitiin poikien huonosta koulumenestyksestä.

    Nyt studioon oli pyydetty opetushallituksen tutkijatohtori Ritva Jakku-Sihvonen. No, mites on, Ritva, onko koulu epätasa-arvoinen?

    Kyllä vain, myöntää tohtorimme, koulu syrjii tyttöjä monin eri tavoin. Haastattelijamuijan tyytyväisenä nyökkäillessä, Ritva kertoo koulumatskusta, jossa miehet on, herra isä, kuvattu maskuliinisina, kotitaloustunneista, joissa yli puolet on tyttöjä ja yhteiskunnan lannistamista tytöistä, jotka eivät osaa valita muutenkaan poikien suosimia aineita.

    Entäs ne pojat? No, niillä ilmeisesti menee tosi hyvin vaikka sellainen epäkohta on, että eivät riiviöt ole omaksuneet kurin merkitystä ja se sitten joidenkin kohdalla kostautuu.

    Tulevaisuus näyttää kuitenkin valoisalta, koska hallituksen tasa-arvosuunnitelman viitoittamalla tiellä tyttöjen tasa-arvo-ongelmiin aiotaan puuttua rivakasti.

    Sori, nyt pitää käydä oksentamassa.

  27. Panu: "Tuossa blogialustassa olisi järkevää, että blogikirjoituksen otsikko olisi sivun otsikossa. Tekee paljon järkevämmäksi jakaa noita kirjoituksia esim. Facebookissa. (Ja joku Facebook suosittelunappi tohon kannattaa pistää)."

    Mainitsin asiasta ylläpidolle, kuten useasta muustakin parannusehdotuksesta.

  28. "Nyt studioon oli pyydetty opetushallituksen tutkijatohtori Ritva Jakku-Sihvonen."

    Juu, itse katsoin saman pätkän ja nimeä myöten kyse näytti olevan Kummelin sketsihahmoista.

    Ritvan mukaan pojat oppivat jo ennen koulua vääriä käyttäytymistapoja - koulussa ei ole mitään vikaa.

  29. "Sori, nyt pitää käydä oksentamassa."

    YLEnanti on usein oksettavaa. Aamu-tv etenkin on varsinainen femakko-show. Nyt ilmeisesti piti hyökätä feministien mielestä vääränläisten näkemysten kimppuun oikein voimalla. Femuista olisi ihan hirveää, jos pojat menestyisivät koulussa siinä missä tytötkin.

    Tällaista roskaa, ihan puhdasta propagandaa, lupamaksuvaroillamme siis saamme. YLE on vallanpitäjien pikku puudeli, se myötäilee näitä ministeriöiden kiintiöfemuja aivan kaikessa. Mitä journalistista järkeä edes on järjestää näitä haastatteluja, joissa mitään haastateltavan esittämää ei osata, eikä haluta kyseenalaistaa? Ns. sivistysmaissa paikalle olisi kutsuttu myös joku toisinajattelija, jotta esiin olisi saatu erilaisia näkökulmia. Nyt meni taas propagandan saarnaamiseksi.

  30. Invalidiksi potkittu

    Aika pilipali rangaistuksilla ovat tekijät päässeet törkeistä teoistaan. Uhri taas on jätetty, suomalaiseen tapaan, oman onnensa nojaan. Herää kysymys, miksi näihin törkeisiin pahoinpitelyihin tai tappoyrityksiin ei edes kaavailla minkäänlaisia kovennettuja rangaistuksia. Oikeusministeriötä huolettavat vain ja ainoastaan raiskaustuomiot.


Valitse itsellesi joku nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. Älä laita ruksia kohtaan "Anonyymi".