tiistaina, elokuuta 23, 2011

The Flipside Of Feminism

"The Flipside Of Feminism"
Author Suzanne Venker, a Warson Woods resident recently transplanted from Kirkwood, has some words of advice for freshmen co-eds entering college in a few weeks: Stay away from the women's studies classes.

"It's all negative. It's group think. It fosters cult behavior," said Venker, who recently published "The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know And Men Can't Say," along with co-author Phyllis Schlafly.

Venker's message is that feminism is a dead end road that's left a lot of women unhappy. She blames the heroes of feminist thinking - Betty Friedan, Susan Brownmiller, Gloria Steinem - for trying to defy the laws of nature and a lot more.

According to Venker, feminism has left American society with a catalog of failure. Among the maladies for which she targets feminism: fertility problems, increased divorce rates, female suicides, an immaturity in many American males who choose never to grow up.
Feminists Hate Everything Masculine

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Valitse itsellesi joku nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. Älä laita ruksia kohtaan "Anonyymi".