sunnuntai, tammikuuta 20, 2013

Naisviha on kärjistynyt

Miestutkija: Naisviha on kärjistynyt 2000-luvulla

Yle: "Naisviha kärjistynyt 2000-luvun Suomessa"

60 kommenttia:

  1. Kun femakot tykkäävät levittää valheitaan miesasialiikkeestä, niin mielestäni olisi paikallaan nostaa esiin feministisen liikkeen miesvihamielisyyttä, transvihamielisyyttä, heterovihamielisyyttä ja jopa vihamielisyyttä homoja kohtaan.

    Feminism shouldn't be about telling trans women they're not female enough

    Esimerkiksi miehiä ampunut Valerie Solanas, jonka miesvihamielistä SCUM-manifestia Akuliina/Atlas Saarikoskikin on hehkuttanut:

    SCUM Manifesto

    The SCUM Manifesto is a radical feminist manifesto[1][2] written in 1967[3][4] by Valerie Solanas. It argues that men have ruined the world and that women should overthrow society and eliminate the male sex.[5][6]

    Esimerkiksi Tanen juhlapuhujaksi kutsuttu Sheila Jeffreys, joka esiintyi jonkinlaisena asiantuntijana prostituutiotakin vastaan:

    Sheila Jeffreys

    Jeffreys argues that transsexuals reproduce oppressive gender roles and mutilate their bodies through sex reassignment surgery. Some of Jeffrey's other controversial positions are that lesbian culture has been negatively affected by emulating the sexist influence of the gay male subculture of dominant/submissive sexuality, and that women suffering pain in pursuit of beauty is a form of submission to patriarchal sadism.
    In 1979, Jeffreys helped write Love Your Enemy? The Debate Between Heterosexual Feminism and Political Lesbianism, a pamphlet that offered a definition of a political lesbian: "We do think... that all feminists can and should be lesbians. Our definition of a political lesbian is a woman-identified woman who does not fuck men.
    Jeffreys' book The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade: The Industrial Vagina, was published in February 2009.[9][10] It describes the globalisation of the sex industry, and includes a controversial description of marriage as a form of prostitution; in her article on Jeffreys, Julie Bindel quotes her: "the right of men to women's bodies for sexual use has not gone but remains an assumption at the basis of heterosexual relationships", and explains that she draws out more obvious links between marriage and prostitution, such as mail-order brides, which she sees as a form of trafficking.[11]
    In a 1997 article in the Journal of Lesbian Studies, for example, Jeffreys contended that "transsexualism should be seen as a violation of human rights." Jeffreys also argued that "the vast majority of transsexuals still subscribe to the traditional stereotype of women" and that by transitioning medically and socially, trans women are "constructing a conservative fantasy of what women should be. They are inventing an essence of womanhood which is deeply insulting and restrictive." [12]

  2. Woman arrested on suspicion of murder after toddler’s body found near Plymouth.

    5-year-old boy turned away from school for long hair

    Judge postpones sentence in Irish bestiality case where woman died

    She later had sex with a dog in his home but she died soon after reports the Irish Times.

    It was originally believed she had an allergic reaction to the animal sex but that has not been proven.

    Irish incest couple plan to marry

    The man known only as James, never knew his real biological father and says he was prevented from finding out by authorities.

    "The way I see it, if the system can know about things and hide the facts, then I can do the same — they turned a blind eye and so can we," the man, told the Irish Mail.

    Lawyer found guilty of using her little daughter to produce pornography

    New York female teacher accused of raping young student flees

  3. Naisia on turha vihata. Nirsous on yksilön oikeus, jonka avulla on tapettu mm. lähikauppoja ja perheidyllejä. Nirsous ei välttämättä ole myöskään vapaata valikointia. Se voi olla nihilismiä tai rodunjalostusta.

    Minä en yleisesti kohtele naisia 'hiton hyvin'. Jos nainen alkaa kenkkuilemaan yhtä kenkkua on minunkin läsnäoloni. Minun seksuaalisuudestani ei tee arvotonta kenenkään nirsous. Arto Jokinen voi vetää vaikka sukan päähänsä.

    -deeby bee

  4. Esimerkki nirsouden ja naisen vapaan valinnan yhteisvaikutuksesta:

    Suomessa naisten vapaasti päätettävissä oleva abortti on johtanut siihen, että Suomeen joudutaan tuomaan alaluokka kehitysmaista, koska viimeisen reilun 40 vuoden aikana noin miljoona suomalaista on jäänyt syntymättä aborttien takia...

  5. Tässä murretaan myyttiä (jota kehitysmaista itselleen miehiä rahtaavat valaat mielellään uskottelevät) siitä, että mustat miehet pitäisivät läskeistä naisista. Mahtaisiko tässä - ja siinä, että Yhdysvalloissa etenkin mustilla naisilla on ylipainoisuus huomattavan yleistä, olla osaselitys sille miksi niin moni musta mies valitsee mieluummin muunrotuisen naisen:

    Black Men don't like Fat Women

  6. Läskit naiset, lopettakaa mustien miesten ei-toivottu ahdistelu:

    Black Men and Fat Women: Are Black Men Chubby Chasers??!!

  7. Swimming instructor dragged 11-year-old girl in court

    A 11-year-old schoolgirl pushed the male teacher in the water, his head hit the bottom at the low end of the pool. The teacher is one meter and 84 centimeters. The basin was one meter and 20 centimeters
    Today his earning capacity reduced by 40 percent.

    Ruotsalaismiehet tukkanuottasilla: Olet huono isä!

  8. MOT: Naisen musta raivo

    MOT: Naisen musta raivo

    Naisten väkivalta on arka aihe. Neuvoloiden väkivaltakartoitus keskittyy isien tekemän väkivallan tunnistamiseen. Äitien pahoinpitelemät lapset ja puolisot jäävät usein ilman apua. Sama koskee oman väkivaltaisuutensa hillintään tukea tarvitsevia naisia. Osa naisjärjestöistä on vastustanut naisten aggressioiden tutkimista.

    Vaiettu totuus, naiset pahoinpitelijöinä!

  9. Ohjelmassa haastateltiin parisuhdeväkivallan asuntuntija, terveydenhuollon maisteri Sirkka Perhoa. Häneltä kysyttiin ohjelmassa, miksi neuvolassa jaettavassa parisuhdeväkivaltaa kartoittavassa lomakkeessa kysytään vain miesten väkivaltaisuudessa, mutta ei lainkaan naisten väkivaltaisuudesta. Perhon mukaan lomakkeeseen ei voi lisätä naisten väkivaltaisuutta koskevaa kysymystä, koska kysymyksen lisääminen edellyttäisi, että tarvitaan myös auttamisjärjestelmä, sen kehittämistä ja tarvitaan uudenlaista koulutusta.

    Tällainen kannanotto on tieteelliseltä kannalta ala-arvoinen ja tieteen eettisten periaatteiden vastainen. Yhteiskunnallista päätöksentekoa auttavassa tutkimuksessa tutkitaan aina ensin yhteiskunnassa esiintyviä ongelmia ja vasta sen jälkeen sitä, millä tavalla havaittavista ongelmista päästään eroon tai miten ongelmia voidaan vähentää.

    "Asiantuntija" Perhon ajatus siitä, että ensin pitäisi olla auttamisjärjestelmä ja siihen liittyvää koulutusta ennen kuin ongelman esiintymistä voidaan edes tutkia, on uskomaton, mieletön, ja tieteen eettisten periaatteiden kannalta moraaliton.

    Onhan miestenkin parisuhteessa harjoittamaa väkivaltaa ensin kartoitettu ja vasta sen jälkeen kehitelty keinoja uhrien auttamiseksi ja väkivallasta eroon pääsemiseksi.

    Mistä näitä "asiantuntijoita" oikein tulee!!!

    Heikki Paloheimo
    Valtio-opin professori
    Tampereen yliopisto

  10. Perheiden, isien ja lasten suurin ongelma on ollut "naistutkimukset", joissa miehet ja lasten isät on nähty väkivaltaisina, vaimonsa hakkaajina, raiskaajina ja oman tyttärensä seksuaalisina hyväksikäyttäjinä.
    Tämä "muoti-ilmiö levisi Suomeen 80-luvulla.

    Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö
    Tiedote 47/2005 03.02.2005 00:00 suomeksi
    Parisuhdeväkivallan seulonta neuvolassa
    Projektipäällikkö Sirkka Perttu terveydenhuollon maisteri.

    Parisuhdeväkivallan puheeksi ottaminen on osa nykyaikaista neuvolatyötä. Tutkimuksen mukaan naiset kokevat myönteisesti sen, että terveydenhuollon henkilöstö kysyy parisuhdeväkivallasta. Torstaina 3. helmikuuta julkistettiin Helsingissä tutkija Sirkka Pertun selvitys Naisiin kohdistuva parisuhdeväkivalta ja sen seulonta äitiys- ja lastenneuvolassa. Selvitys on tarkoitettu käytännön työvälineeksi terveydenhoitajille ja kätilöille.

    Terveydenhuoltohenkilöstö tarvitsee koulutusta ja rohkeutta, jotta he osaavat ottaa parisuhdeväkivallan luontevasti esille neuvolan asiakkaiden kanssa. Kun terveydenhoitajat ja kätilöt harjaantuvat kysymään parisuhdeväkivallasta, asia muuttuu luonnolliseksi osaksi naisen ja lapsen terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin seurantaa. Työn helpottamiseksi koko maassa otetaan käyttöön yhtenäinen seulontalomake. Lomake auttaa vaikean asian ottamista puheeksi ja takaa, että kaikilta naisilta kysytään väkivallasta samat kysymykset riippumatta siitä, onko työntekijällä herännyt epäilyksiä väkivallasta. Lomakkeen käyttäminen myös viestii naisille, että väkivallasta on hyväksyttävää puhua ja että tukea on tarjolla. Samantapainen työskentelytapa on jo käytössä ns. mini-interventiossa, jossa työterveyshuollossa ja terveyskeskuksissa kysytään asiakkaan tai potilaan alkoholin kulutuksesta.

    Puuttuminen parisuhdeväkivaltaan vaatii myös toimivaa moniammatillista yhteistyötä. Viranomaisten ja muiden tahojen välinen yhteistyö ja tiedonvaihto korostuvat pyrittäessä tukemaan uhria ja koko hänen perhettään.

    Tutkimushankkeen taustaa
    Äitiys- ja lastenneuvoloissa käyttöön otettava uusi naisiin kohdistuvan parisuhdeväkivallan seulonta perustuu tutkimushankkeeseen, jossa menetelmää kokeiltiin Vantaalla, Porvoossa ja Palokan kuntayhtymän kunnissa. Terveydenhoitajat ja kätilöt haastattelivat raskaana olevia naisia ja pienten lasten äitejä lomakkeen avulla.

    Tutkimushanke oli osa sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön rahoittamaa naisiin kohdistuvan väkivallan ja prostituution ehkäisyprojektia (Stakes 1998-2002). Hanke käsitteli naisiin kohdistuvaa parisuhdeväkivaltaa raskauden aikana ja pienten lasten perhevaiheessa. Sen tulosten mukaan 18 % äitiys- ja lastenneuvoloiden asiakkaana olevista naisista oli kokenut väkivaltaa nykyisessä parisuhteessaan vuonna 2000.

    Riskiryhmään kuuluivat nuoret naiset ja pienten lasten äidit. Vuonna 2002 naisista 11 % oli ollut väkivallan kohteena raskauden aikana ja 11% synnytyksen jälkeen lapsen ollessa alle vuoden ikäinen. Miehen kontrolloiva käyttäytyminen nosti selvästi naisen riskiä joutua väkivallan tai sillä uhkaamisen kohteeksi.

    Lisätietoja: projektipäällikkö, terveydenhuollon maisteri (THM) Sirkka Perttu, puh. 040 508 3656, , sosiaali- ja terveysministeriössä lisätietoja antavat ylitarkastaja Marjaana Pelkonen puh. (09) 160 74036 ja ylitarkastaja Maire Kolimaa, puh. (09) 160 74138.

    Sirkka Perttu: Naisiin kohdistuva parisuhdeväkivalta ja sen seulonta äitiys- ja lastenneuvolassa, STM:n selvityksiä 2004:6, ISBN 952-00-1498-5, Julkaisua myy Edita. Se löytyy myös verkosta: .

  11. Nuo pari edellistä viestiä olivat siis kommentteja tuolta Isien katkeruus ei kiinnosta -jutusta.

  12. Miksi isät ja lapset eivät saa korvausta siitä, että äidit riistävät lapsia ja isää kun isät ja lapset saavat tavata sovitusti vain esimerkiksi kerran kahdessa viikossa?

  13. Biological Markets: Why Money Only Sometimes Buys Love

    Why Wealth’s Worth Fluctuates on The Mating Market

    Risk Taking and Male Attraction to Females

    Richard Ronay and William von Hippel (of The University of Queensland) found that male skateboarders at a skatepark took more risks and had higher testoterone levels when an attractive female was present. This resulted in more successes, but also more failures. The authors argued that risk taking evolved as a means for males to attract females for mating.

    When Men Are Raped

    Women have better things to do than make money I

    Why do men on average make more money than women?

    Women have better things to do than make money II

    Women have better things to do than make money III

  14. Shakespeare and School Shooters, Part 2 (Romeo and Juliet)

    Why are school shooters attracted to "Romeo and Juliet"?
    Beyond this, however, I think the passionate intensity of the story is powerfully appealing to young men who long for love but feel condemned to loneliness. In addition, the themes of violence, rage, homicide, and suicide resonated with the killers. Kimveer, Seung, and Kip were not only lonely young men living loveless lives; they were angry, homicidal, and suicidal. Thus, multiple aspects of Romeo and Juliet resonated within them.

    Sex Partner Privilege: Similar to White Privilege, Male Privilege, and Heterosexual Privilege?

  15. The Cost of a Woman vs. the Cost of a Man

    What do women pay for in a man?
    This is especially true in rural areas, as desirable young women have selectively migrated to urban areas. As a consequence, bride-price has been increasing. The economic dynamics of all this continues to unfold, as men from Taiwan and South Korea are willing to pay increasingly large sums for wives from Vietnam. Now, men in Vietnam are complaining about their inability to purchase brides, which may in turn be increasing the premium on female children.

    Does a Woman’s Company Always Cost More Than a Man’s?

    Behavioral economics meets bride price, dowry, and prostitution
    Why are men willing to pay so much for the company of a woman?

    Siwan Anderson is an economist at the University of British Columbia who has studied bride price and dowry (payments made by the bride’s family at the time of marriage). She notes that bride price is much more prevalent across societies than is dowry (bride-price being found in two-thirds of societies in Murdock's (1967) World Ethnographic Atlas of 1167 pre-industrial societies, as compared to dowry, which is found in less than 4 percent of this sample. Anderson notes further that bride price has generally been presumed to be, at least in part, a payment for a woman’s fertility. Payment for a bride has historically been linked to virginity, with younger healthier brides bringing a higher price, and women who already have children often not bringing any bride price at all.
    College men and women had very similar standards for dates (at least above average intelligence), and for marriage partners (at least 65th percentile in smarts). But for sexual partners, especially one-night stands, men and women parted company. Women would not sleep with a guy unless he scored well above average in intelligence; a typical man was willing to have sex with a woman even if she was below average in intelligence, well shy of his professed standards for a date.


  16. How Would More Women Help the Economy?

    The Economic Consequences of Too Many Men
    And it turns out, there are unpleasant economic consequences of being in the majority, especially if you’re a man. Men confronting a male-biased sex ratio are less likely to save, more likely to take on credit card debt, and willing to take bad financial deals just to quickly get their hands on some money now, according to a new series of studies by researchers at the University of Minnesota, Free University of Amsterdam, MIT, UC Santa Barbara, and Arizona State University.
    According to the lead researcher, University of Minnesota’s Vlad Griskevicius, the research was inspired by findings from other animal species, demonstrating that a whole host of behaviors, across a wide range of species, are triggered by imbalances in sex ratios. Because female animals generally have an easier time finding a mate than do males, the consequences are generally more severe for male animals.
    A great deal of research has shown that women are more attracted to men with financial resources. More recent research has demonstrated that men who are inspired to find mates are more likely to take financial risks (see my recent postings describing other new findings linking loss aversion and conspicuous consumption to mating motives). As Griskevicius notes:
    Although the previous studies had found that women did not change their own spending in response to sex ratios, this study revealed that women were not oblivious to sex ratios. In fact, women boosted the amount that they thought a man should spend on gifts, meals, and engagement rings if they’d just read about a male-biased sex ratio.

  17. Tällaista kehitystä ne poikien/miesten ympärileikkausta ajavat ovat osaltaan edistämässä:

    Storm brews over forced circumcision in Uganda

    The Ugandan town of Mbale was brought to a standstill on Tuesday afternoon, as a naked man ran through the streets, with more than 50 men in pursuit. He was fleeing a forced circumcision.
    Deo survived the forced circumcision after guards at the administrator's office were able to disperse his assailants, but that was not before other men had fallen victim to the enforced surgical operation.

    More than 40 men of various ages have been subjected to the cut in the last two days, as the town goes through a general circumcision programme, but this has faced widespread protests.

    Forced circumcision

    In Iraq in 2003, shortly after the fall of the Saddam regime, the thirty-five families who made up the Mandean community in Fallujia were ordered at gunpoint to adopt Islam; the men were forcibly circumcised.[39]

    In 2007 the US Committee on International Religious Freedom heard testimony reporting: "Forced conversion is happening in an alarming degree. Boys are being kidnapped, forcibly circumcised - a major sin in the Mandaean religion - and forcibly converted to Islam."[40]
    During the Istanbul Pogrom in September 1955, "many Greek men, including at least one priest, were subjected to forced circumcision."[44] As a result of the pogrom, the Greek minority eventually emigrated from Turkey. In 2002 there was a report that non-Muslim army recruits in Turkey had been threatened with forced circumcision.[45] Cases are documented where Syro-Orthodox men serving in the Turkish military forces have been threatened with forced circumcision.[46] In 1991, a young Christian Turk, fleeing from forced circumcision in the Turkish military forces, was granted asylum in Germany.[47]

    The Yazidi (not all of whom are circumcised) in Turkey have for years been subjected to direct state persecution, including compulsory religious instruction at school, forced conversion, forced circumcision, and mistreatment during military service.[48] In 1999 there was a report of the forced circumcision of Yedizi men in Turkish Kurdistan.[49]
    Thousands of Christians were forcibly circumcised in the Moluccas from December 1999 to January 2001.[52] The Sydney Morning Herald reported in detail on this, stating that "almost all" of 3,928 villagers forced to convert to Islam were circumcised. Razors and knives were reused, causing infections.[53] One of those circumcised, Kostantinus Idi, reported: "I could not escape," he said. "One of them held up my foreskin between pieces of wood while another cut me with a razor ...the third man held my head back, ready to pour water down my throat if I screamed. But I couldn't help but scream and he poured the water. I kept screaming aloud and vomited. I couldn't stand the pain." He further reported that one of the clerics urinated on his wound, saying it would stop infection.

  18. ...
    In November 2005, the Kenyan Human Rights Commission announced that it would seek prosecutions against politicians for inciting such violence. In one instance, a cabinet minister had said, “Those who are not circumcised should be taken for a circumcision ceremony.” The Commission said this amounted to an incitement to violence.[57]

    In late January 2008, a disputed election in which circumcision became an issue between President Mwai Kibaki, a Kikuyu and opposition candidate Raila Odinga, a Luo, "the fact that Odinga was uncircumcised became an issue: He was seen by some Kikuyus as a 'child' unfit to rule because he had not passed through circumcision and initiation." Post-election violence reportedly "focused on tribal animosities", and included several cases of forced circumcision.[58] AFP reported one Kenyan man's experience: "A group of eight men with pangas (machetes) entered. They asked for my ID [to determine what tribe he belonged to] They slashed me and they circumcised me by force. I screamed a lot and cried for help...' He complained that police left him in a pool of blood, taking weapons left behind by the Kikuyu gang.[59]

    In September 2010, at Malaba, West Kenya, a 21 year old Teso man was lured to a hotel, drugged, smeared with fermented millet flour and was being led away by several Bukusu to be circumcised when the police intervened. The Teso man, who agreed to a medical circumcision, condemned the Bukusu youths for trying to impose their culture on the Teso. Three weeks previously, village neighbours in Aedomoru sub location in Teso north armed themselves with clubs and prevented a 35 year old man from being forcibly circumcised.[60]
    In 1999, a woman who was feared throughout the Vaal Triangle district of South Africa, controlled a gang of kidnappers that abducted young people, forcibly circumcising the boys and extorting ransoms from their parents for their release. A local police officer said as many as 10 teenagers had been snatched every day.[61]
    "Xhosa culture allows people to forcibly circumcise boys deemed to be past the age of initiation... Forcing people do undergo the ancient ritual ... has, in recent times, caused concern among human rights organisations... (In) one instance two Rastafarians objected to the procedure on religious grounds. The incident has sparked a debate on whether or not traditionalists should still be allowed to force people against their will into the bush to undergo initiation.[63]

  19. According to South African newspapers, the subsequent trial became "a landmark case around forced circumcision."[65] In October 2009, the Bhisho Equality Court (High Court) ruled that, in South Africa, circumcision is unlawful unless done with the full consent of the initiate.[66] According to Thembela Kepe, traditional leaders allege that the ban on forced circumcision is "a violation of cultural rights enshrined in the Constitution."[67]
    There is ample evidence that, for years, Christians of Khartoum and elsewhere in Sudan have been forcefully converted to Islam, and that Christian men and boys have been forcibly circumcised.[68] Examples of Dinka boys having been forcibly circumcised in the 1990s and 2000s are known from the context of traditional slavery,[69] still endemic in Sudan.
    As discussed by anthropologist Suzette Heald and other scholars, the Gisu (alternatively, Bagishu) of Uganda "take pride in not tolerating uncircumcised men." For this reason, in Gisu society, any boy or man who has been able to escape ritual circumcision (called "imbalu") faces the prospect of being forcibly circumcised.[71] Voice of America, referring to the same practice, reports: "Among the Bagishu, uncircumcised men are treated with contempt; they are not allowed in society and in most cases they are seen as failing to get local women for marriage. This is supported by all the Bagishu including women who often report uncircumcised men to tribal elders. It's considered traditional that no male is to escape the ritual regardless of where he lives, what he does or what kind of security he has."[72]

    In 2004 a father of seven was seized and forcibly circumcised after his wife told Bagishu tribal circumcisers that he was uncircumcised. A local official said the authorities could not intervene in a cultural ritual.[73] Other forced circumcisions occurred in September 2006[74] and June 2008.[75] In all these cases, family members of the victims approved of the forced circumcision. Other tribal groups in Uganda and the Ugandan Foundation for Human Rights Initiative regard forced circumcision as a human rights abuse.[76] The Ugandan Government and the President of the Ugandan Law Society condemned the incident,[77] but the victim refused to press charges.[78]
    Traditional circumcision is still practised in some tribal areas of Australia.[79] Linguist and anthropologist Peter Sutton, commenting on forced circumcision and the absence of law enforcement in remote settlements, claims that Australian law has been applied in a patchy way: "Involuntary circumcision has long been widely accepted as being de facto outside the scope of Australian law."[80] Late in 1996, 34 year old Irwin Brookdale was drinking with a group of Australian Aborigines on the banks of a river in far north Queensland. After he passed out, a woman in the group felt down his pants, found that he was not circumcised and called on her companions to "make a man out of him." They attempted to circumcise him with a broken beer bottle. Brookdale ended up in hospital, one of his assailants was convicted of unlawful wounding and Brookdale was awarded A$10,000 compensation for nervous shock.[81]
    The breakup of Yugoslavia, according to Milica Z. Bookman, "was extremely violent, producing some two million refugees, over 100,000 killed, and evidence of gang rape, impaling, dismemberment and forced circumcision."[82]

    The US Department of State reported that Muslim and Mujahedin irregular troops "had routinely performed crude, disfiguring, nonmedical circumcisions on Bosnian Serb soldiers." One 18-year-old Bosnian Serb soldier "was so brutally circumcised that eventually the entire organ required amputation."[83]

  20. In Uganda, a Male Circumcision Campaign Goes Horribly Wrong

    Is there anything more terrifying (to a guy, at least) than a pack of determined males trying to cut off part of your penis? In the Ugandan town of Mbale, where a non-coercive circumcision campaign aimed at reducing HIV transmission has metastatized into forced circumcisions, that nightmare scenario is a reality.
    Sexual and gender-based violence campaigns almost always focus on women as victims and the men only feature as perpetrators."

    Nyeri man forced to undergo the cut

    In Kenya, Forced Male Circumcision and a Struggle for Justice

    The International Criminal Court faces a difficult history of sexual violence in Sub-Saharan Africa, and a chance to reconsider this under-discussed atrocity
    After a few minutes at the clearing, the mob removed Odondi's blindfold, and then his clothes. "First, they took off my pants, and they started mocking me because I was wearing only my underwear. And they ripped off my underwear using a panga," Odondi recalled recently, using another word for machete.

    "When the men had pinned me down, the man with the panga pulled my foreskin out and started to play with it. He would slice it a little, and then he started mocking me, and then he would slice a little more, and then mock me some more.

    "This cutting lasted for five minutes, and it was the greatest pain I have ever felt in my life. It felt like a million little pins pricking my manhood."

    Similar attacks were recorded elsewhere in Kibera and in other parts of the country, including the volatile Rift Valley, up until late February 2008, when Kibaki and Odinga reached a power-sharing deal. The lack of reporting on the part of victims, however, has complicated efforts to arrive at a national total. A government inquiry noted, for instance, that many victims in the Rift Valley were "too traumatized" to come forward.

  21. While Odondi and some other Luos, a tribe that doesn't traditionally practice male circumcision, can describe their individual experiences of forced circumcision with marked candor, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is still struggling to find words for the crime. Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who is pursuing crimes against humanity charges against six prominent Kenyans in connection with the post-election crisis, moved in December to charge the crime under "other forms of sexual violence," the category used for atrocities such as sexual slavery and forced prostitution.

    But judges disagreed, ruling in March that the crime should fall under "other inhumane acts," a separate category of crimes that cause "great suffering" or "serious injury to body or to mental or physical health."

    The distinction is by no means strictly academic, according to local advocates for sexual violence victims, who argue that labeling forced male circumcision as a form of sexual violence could raise awareness of the crime and make comprehensive treatment more widely available.

    Brigid Inder, executive director of Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice (WIGJ), a Hague-based group that monitors the ICC, said she sees the reclassification as part of a troubling trend -- one in which the court has failed to fully address the sexual violence components of mass crimes.

    Upon its drafting in 1998, the Rome Statute, the ICC's founding treaty, drew praise from women's rights activists for its emphasis on sexual and gender-based violence, and in particular its inclusion of rape and other sexual violence offenses within the categories of crimes falling under the court's jurisdiction.

    The "political and ethnic significance" of forced male circumcision in the Kenyan context, she said, makes it much more than just circumcision. "It was intended as an expression of political and ethnic domination by one group over the other, and was intended to diminish the cultural identity of Luo men," she said.
    Despite the ingrained discrimination -- and periodic bouts of violence -- targeting uncircumcised men in some areas, the issue receives little public attention. "No one has ever talked about male circumcision. It's just not visible," Wangechi said.
    Questions of how to view and respond to forced male circumcision are likely to assume renewed urgency in the run-up to elections next year, with Odinga, who became prime minister under the power-sharing deal, widely viewed as a top candidate for the presidency again. Wangechi said there was no reason to believe the issue of circumcision has become any less salient politically, as many Kikuyus remain as wary as ever of being governed by a kihii -- the Kikuyu word for "uncircumcised boy."

    It was, presumably, this very sentiment that Mwangi Kiunjuri, a Kenyan assistant minister for public works, was looking to exploit while speaking at a political rally earlier this year in the Kikuyu heartland of Central province. After criticizing Odinga directly in the Kikuyu vernacular, he declared: "Let me tell you, kihiis are not invited to dowry negotiations because, as you know, boys will always take time to sing their play songs. A kihii's goings are only ended when he faces the knife."

    Referring to kihiis in this manner, Wangechi said, was sure to rile up most Kenyan crowds. "If you call a Kikuyu man that, you're dead -- literally," said Wangechi, who is part Kikuyu herself. "So you can imagine that when it's used on an adult male, crowds will respond to that. Just that word alone is more than enough to cause chaos in the country."

  22. Few people understand the political dimension of forced male circumcision better than Caroline Anyango, a 31-year-old who lives in the Rift Valley, a staging ground for much of the post-election violence. Her 40-year-old Luo husband ran for a councilor position on Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement ticket in 2007, making him an especially visible target for Kikuyu mobs.

    On January 26, 2008, as violence peaked in the area, the couple and their three children sat at home listening to a radio report on attacks at nearby estates. During the broadcast, a group of 20 men broke down the door to their home, found Anyango's husband hiding in a bedroom, and sliced off his foreskin with a panga.

    "We were all forced to watch, including the children," said Anyango, who asked that her name be changed for fear of reprisals. "They were saying that until all the Luos are circumcised they can't take part in the political process."

    Somehow, her husband managed to break free and run from the house. But the mob, joined by about 20 other men waiting outside, chased him for about 200 meters to a disused quarry that had been filled with water. Anyango had a clear view as her husband's genitals were chopped off entirely.

    "It was at that point that my husband threw himself into the quarry, maybe because he could not take the pain," she said. The body was never recovered.

  23. Zimbabwe Forced Circumcision and Kidnap Ordeal: Tribesman Jailed for Six Years

    Madonna Forced Ex-Hubby Guy Ritchie's Circumcision

    "Madonna keeps a kosher home, she observes the Sabbath, she had her son and her husband Guy Richie circumcised in 2008."
    Could it be a coincidence that was the very same year the couple divorced?

  24. ROKSIN johdon lausunto:

    "Evin Rubar (toimittaja): Miehet ovat elukoita ja koneita ja käveleviä tekokyrpiä...
    Ireen von Wachenfeldt: Niin...
    Evin Rubar: Onko se sinun kantasi?
    Ireen von Wachenfeldt: Kyllä, se on minun kantani.
    Evin Rubar: Miehet ovat elukoita?
    Ireen von Wachenfeldt: Miehet ovat elukoita. Etkö ole samaa mieltä?"

    Tosin hän myöhemmin katuu ja korjaa lausuntoaan:

    "Jag skulle ha sagt att män är värre än djur. En del våldsamma män kan till och med njuta av kvinnors lidande. Det gör inte djuren".

  25. "Turvakodin lopettamiseen liittyy myös juuri paljastunut tietosuojarikos: turvakotia lopetettaessa arkaluontoisia asiakirjoja ei tuhottu, vaan ne päätyivät sellaisenaan jätteiksi, ja löytyivät sieltä. Ohessa kuva löytyneestä asiakirjapinosta.

    Pino sisältää salaista tietoa ihmisten perheongelmista, mutta myös turvakodin sisäisiä ohjeita ja muistioita, jotka ovat hyvin paljastavia ja todentavat sitä, miten turvakodista ja sen yltiöfeminismistä asiantuntijapiireissä jo tiedettiinkin. Nämä asiat johtivat toiminnan lopettamiseen ja yhteistyön loppumiseen Espoon kaupungin kanssa.

    Eräs löytynyt kyselylomake muun muassa ohjaa naisia tunnistamaan perheväkivallan, ja perheväkivaltaa on lomakkeen mukaan sekin, jos mies ei ole ystävällinen, jos mies ei huomioi naisen tunteita, jos mies vaatii naista hoitamaan lapsia ja jos mies ei anna riittävästi talousrahaa. Näillä kriteereillä, kun tilapäisyyskin riittää, jokainen espoolainen perheenäiti kuuluisi turvakotiin.

    Turvakodin sisäisissä ohjeissa komennetaan myös nuhakuumeiset lapset ja aikuiset ulkoilemaan ja vaaditaan äidit hoitamaan lastensa ruoanlaiton. Toisaalta taas pieninkin nuhakuume on hyväksyttävä este olla tapaamatta lasten isää. Tällaisia kummallisuuksia paljastuu varmasti lisää, kunhan asiapaperit on kaikki läpikäyty.

    Olisi harkittava Espoon turvakotia pitäneen yhdistyksen vastuuseen saattamista tietosuojarikkeistään. Lisäksi olisi esitettävä anteeksipyyntö kaikille niille perheille, jotka täysin asiantuntematon turvakotitoiminta ja terapointi rikkoi. Yhteistyötä liian pitkään jatkaneet espoolaiset päättäjät saisivat myös hävetä ja katua."

  26. Kuvottavaa touhua aivan samalla tavalla kuin Intian/Pakastanin rottalapset tai tahallaan sokeutetut/rampautetut kerjäläislapset (ilmeisesti kerjäläiset ovat joissain Euroopan maissa harrastaneet myös raajojen murtamisia lapsilta tästä syystä ja rahan antaminen kerjäläisille on omiaan ruokkimaan tätä vastenmielistä ilmiötä):

    South Africa: Pregnant women drinking alcohol to induce FAS to collect money

    Miksei ollenkaan kiinnosta miesten vähyys monilta aloilta ja siihen puuttuminen?:

    Countries must address lack of women in science and technology fields – UN

    UK: £500 bonus for women in pension reform

    UK: John Leslie opens up about how false rape claims ruined his life

    UK: Teen murdered over false rape claim

    False rape claim warrants severe punishment

    Women, Not Men, More Likely To Check Out Other Women

  27. Tää on hyvä puheenvuoro. Pitäisi enemmänkin pitää tätä ajattelumallia esillä. Se käy hyvin myös ihan ihmiskunnan kehityksen valtarakenteen perkaamiseen. Minkä verran uskonnot on piilottaneet kaikenlaista alistavaa vastakkainasettelun torttua tarinaansa ja sitten eri sukupuolet ovat kiivaasti tukkanuottasilla tästä piilotetusta symbolisesta väkivallasta johtuen. Hajota ja hallitse vallitsee... Ja joku aina kuulee kun kassakone iloisesti kilkattaa ja pillu jo iloisesti vilahtaa

    Symbolinen väkivalta tasa-arvopolitiikassa


Valitse itsellesi joku nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. Älä laita ruksia kohtaan "Anonyymi".