Talikot, soihdut ja keskustelun voittaminen
Laaja tuttavapiiri, avioliitto ja uskonnollinen harrastustoiminta suojaavat miehiä itsemurhalta
Anti-Feminists Baffle Feminists
Women Against Feminism: Are These Bitches Crazy?
I’m Tired Of Feeling Grateful To My Husband For Marrying A Single Mom
Ice T: Men Have Become Too Passive, Politically Correct
Our sex-obsessed culture is turning men into pigs
Evoluutiopsykologia: ”Kyseenalaisia yleistyksiä tieteen nimissä”
Not all feminists: How modern feminism has become complicated, messy and sometimes alienating
Are Women Sexually Oppressing Men?
Stop Fem-Splaining: What ‘Women Against Feminism’ Gets Right
Feminism in the West - Is Equality Still Enough?
keskiviikkona, heinäkuuta 30, 2014
maanantaina, heinäkuuta 21, 2014
perjantaina, heinäkuuta 11, 2014
Mieshoitajan kohtaama seksismi ja syrjintä hoitotyössä
Harriet Harman is right about sexism in politics – let's start a feminist party
Fighting Sexism in All the Safe Places:
Suomessa ihmiskaupan uhreja käytetty yleensä hyväksi työperäisesti
Harriet Harman is right about sexism in politics – let's start a feminist party
Fighting Sexism in All the Safe Places:
“I was chosen as the sexist pig mainly because I was the most available target. The women saying, ‘Let’s have a revolution,’ were having a revolution, but the revolution was taking place in New York. They weren’t going down to Texas, Mississippi, and Arkansas, and saying to the men down there, ‘Let’s free the women down here.’ They were freeing the women in New York who were already free. They were occupying powerful jobs in New York. They were a strong element in the publishing houses. So, in other words, it was a false revolution to a certain degree.”Teach boys how to be feminists to stop culture of abuse towards girls, says Labour
--Normal Mailer
Suomessa ihmiskaupan uhreja käytetty yleensä hyväksi työperäisesti
Järjestelmään on keväällä 2014 ja 2013 esitetty erityisen paljon seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön uhreja.Meet the Women of the Men's Rights Activist Movement
Alkuvuonna 2014 Suomessa ei ole tunnistettu yhtäkään seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön uhria, joka olisi joutunut hyväksikäytetyksi Suomessa, vaan hyväksikäyttö on tapahtunut ennen uhrin saapumista maahan.
perjantaina, heinäkuuta 04, 2014
MRA in Detroit 2
There Are Fewer Men's Rights Activists Than You Fear, but Those Few Activists Are Exactly as Terrible as You Think
'Feminism is a Sexual Strategy': Inside the Angry Online Men’s Rights Group 'Red Pill'
Is there a misogynist inside every man?
The Men’s Rights Movement Isn’t an SNL Sketch. But it should be.
The Most Inane Moments from Last Weekend's Men's Rights Conference
The First "Men's Issues" Conference Makes a Good Point. And a Lot of Bad Ones.
What I Learned as a Woman at a Men’s-Rights Conference
Men's Rights Activists Stand Up To 'Feminist Oppressors'
The Men's Rights Activists Conference In Detroit Highlighted Perceived Injustices Both Legitimate and Ridiculous
Aamulehti: Iltalehden haastattelema emeritustutkija Pauli Sumanen suhtautuu kriittisesti palkkavertailuihin
'Feminism is a Sexual Strategy': Inside the Angry Online Men’s Rights Group 'Red Pill'
Is there a misogynist inside every man?
The Men’s Rights Movement Isn’t an SNL Sketch. But it should be.
The Most Inane Moments from Last Weekend's Men's Rights Conference
The First "Men's Issues" Conference Makes a Good Point. And a Lot of Bad Ones.
What I Learned as a Woman at a Men’s-Rights Conference
Men's Rights Activists Stand Up To 'Feminist Oppressors'
The Men's Rights Activists Conference In Detroit Highlighted Perceived Injustices Both Legitimate and Ridiculous
Aamulehti: Iltalehden haastattelema emeritustutkija Pauli Sumanen suhtautuu kriittisesti palkkavertailuihin