Naiset miehiä varakkaampia
Naiset muodostavavat Britannian varakkaimman kansanosan.Women make up about 52 percent of the wealthy population in Britain.Epäilisin, että avioliiton kautta saaduilla varoilla on merkittävä osuus naisten suurempaan varakkuuteen. Milloin miehille saadaan yhtäläiset mahdollisuudet rikastua puolison rahoilla?
"I think there are a couple of reasons why women are becoming wealthier in Britain," says Anne Brookes of Coutts, a private bank owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland. "Firstly, there's been a change in the traditional role of women overall - they have more of a desire for independence. And there's greater equality in the professions like law and banking."
"Women are increasingly commanding higher salaries and accumulating wealth throughout their careers," says Oliver Guirdham, a financial analyst with Datamonitor PLC, a b
"Demographics also play a major role in the number of high net-worth women," says Mr. Guirdham, who notes that 53 percent of the affluent are over 65. Women make up a large proportion of this demographic group.... Spousal inheritance also becomes an important factor."
Pahoinpidellyt miehet alkavat tulla kaapeista ulos.
Mitä miehen tulee arvioida naisessa mennessään avioon?
7. Does she attempt to control you? This tendency will only get worse with marriage, so any sign of this in a dating relationship is a red flag.Törmääkö homo-Titanic jäävuoreen?
Vain 1% kanadalaisista tunnustaa olevansa homoja.
Kiina alkaa kampanjoimaan perheväkivaltaa vastaan:
A recent survey has found that domestic violence is widely accepted within Chinese society. A 3 year survey by the all China Women's Federation found that nearly half of the Chinese population believe it's reasonable for husbands to beat their wives. 44 per cent of respondents blamed wives, saying domestic violence was often brought on by their unreasonable behaviour.Pitkä kävelymatka kotiin.
Farmers take it as their pride to be able to beat their wives. You would be surprised if you go to rural areas and ask people whether they have domestic violence and they would say no, we don't have domestic violence but if you ask them do husbands beat wives, then they will laugh and say of course we do, everyone does, every day.
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