Naiset rakastuvat murhaajiin
Ruotsalaiset ovat jälleen kerran fiksuja:
Pohjoisruotsalainen Norrländska Socialdemokraten -lehti ryhtyy julkaisemaan törkeästä naisrauhan rikkomisesta tuomittujen miesten nimet ja kuvat lehden palstoilla.No tuohan se juuri auttaakin tekemään miehistä naisia kiinnostamattomia. Hei, mehän voidaan laittaa samalla lailla vaikkapa Matti Nykäsen, Esa Tikkasen ja Kari Häkämiehen kuvat lehtiin, niin naiset tietäisivät varoa noita miehiä. Ai niin, heidän kuvansa ovat olleet lehdissä ja suosio lisääntyy vaan entisestään.
Lehden päätoimittajan Tomas Petterssonin mukaanTarkoitus on kertoa naislukijoille miehistä, joita heidän pitäisi varoa.
Lehti aloitti kampanjan naisiin kohdistuvaa väkivaltaa vastaan kolmisen viikkoa sitten Pohjois-Ruotsia kuohuttaneen pahoinpitelytapauksen jälkeen. Tuolloin piitimeläinen 38-vuotias kolmen lapsen äiti pahoinpideltiin kuoliaaksi. Surmatyön teki naisen avomies. (STT-TT)
Naiset pitävät murhaajista:
- Everyone's favorite law student turned serial killer, Bundy, also had a faithful group of adoring female followers known as "Ted Groupies." They would sit in the row behind Bundy and giggle when he flashed that brilliant smile of his. Bundy, by the way, would have sex with his dead victims numerous times after brutally killing them.Naiset pitävät pahoista pojista:
- Ramirez, drew groupies with his dark, brooding looks. An avowed Satanist, he was known as the "Death Row Romeo," who had a juror fall in love with him even after she helped to convict him. In 1996, Ramirez married one of his groupies, a 41-year-old magazine editor who wrote more than 75 letters to him before she was allowed to see him in prison. Ramirez once was quoted as saying, "I love to kill people. I love watching them die."
- Even jolly old John Wayne Gacy Jr., who not only raped but also killed 33 young boys, received love letters from women throwing themselves at the former children's-birthday-party clown.
Despite the apparent double standard, 31-year-old school-teacher Natalie McCray is drawn to the "all or nothing" ambition of a man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it. After a string of failed relationships, she found a take-charge, no-nonsense bad boy who injects passion into her otherwise structured lifestyle. "Everything about him is intense. He's aggressive, he's focused and he's about `making it happen,'" she says. "That's sexy to me ...Miksi hyvät tytöt tykkäävät pahoista pojista?
- The phenomenon of "women going for jerks" is a real one, but there is a very, very important thing missing from the usual understanding of it. It is, I believe, a product of women's enculturated fantasies that jerks really AREN'T jerks down deep in their most hidden souls.Keitä sarjamurhaajiin rakastujat ovat?
- some women "want" to be degraded? Yes. Do some women "want" to be ordered around? Yes. Do some women "want" to be Daddied like infants? Yes. Does that mean that any mature, centered, MANLY man should indulge these women's fantasies and encourage these neuroses?
- I'm one of those nice guys, and the earlier comments below about traditional gender role reversal ring true to me. My wife is a feminist, and I think this is part of the reason why we have a sexless (twice in 2003) marriage. She seems to equate sex with violation of her body, so, if she is going to have sex, it must always be on her terms, at her speed, in her preferred position, etc. As a "nice guy" I sometimes think (in my darkest hours) that, perhaps, she wants this "violation belief" to be borne out, and that she wants me to "take her" so that I can prove that men are scum, rapists, etc. When I have these thoughts about "taking her" (okay, fantasies), they are not particularly violent, just very forceful, and I imagine her succumbing to the passion and us having the best sex we ever had. Then reality hits, and I realize that a) she'd probably just kick my ass; b) maybe divorce me; and c) I am a NICE GUY and would never do this and would probably not be able to perform under such pressure. I wonder how much of this is related to that scene we've all seen in countless movies where the jerk-man kisses the woman, who resists at first, then melts into him because of the passion that overtakes her. Thanks a hell of a lot, Hollywood. I'm a nice guy, and will probably die a nice guy, who lived in a sexless marriage.
- Some people define serial killer groupies (SKGs) in narrow terms, such as women who fall in love with those killers who have been caught and are awaiting trial or are in prison. Interestingly, many SKGs are educated and attractive. Some have money, and some are already married. Quite a few are mothers, and it's often the case that they work in some related field, such as psychology or law enforcement.Paksut naiset parempia seksissä, sanoo Tommy Lee.
- As they observed the behaviors of orangutans, these scientists realized that the female primates preferred the larger, more aggressive males, the ones that were loud and showed clear markers of their maleness. The large males were always ready to fight other males, and females often approached them after hearing them in such struggles. The subsequent sexual encounters appeared to be willing and relaxed.
- The fascination among females with multiple murders that he had witnessed struck him as the most excessive he had ever seen.
And the man doesn't have to be attractive. Overweight, narcissistic and whiney, John Wayne Gacy, killer of 33 young men during homosexual encounters, married in prison as well.
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