torstaina, maaliskuuta 22, 2007


Syrjitäänkö naisia graduarvosanoissa?

The Tyranny of Tolerance: Chapter 1. The Cloud Cuckooland of Radical Feminism.

Itsetunto ja AT-miehet.

Germany’s Top News Anchorwoman Leads Anti-Feminist Revolution.

Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired.


4 kommenttia:

  1. Henry tekee pahaa hallaa antifeminismin pyhälle asialle linkittämällä amerikkalaisen uskonnollisen pölhöoikeiston sivuille. Tällä tavalla hän pelaa niiden femakkojen pussiin, jotka yrittävät leimata minutkin äärioikeistolaiseksi.

  2. Itse asiassa tuosta homoseksuaalisuus artikkelista olen itse sitä mieltä, että vaikka homous ei olisikaan geneettisesti määräytyvää, niin silti se voi olla esim. raskauden aikaisten olosuhteiden seurausta, eli mieluumminkin biologista kuin sosiaalista alkuperää.

    Artikkelin linkityksen oli tarkoitus heräättää ajatuksia, ei esitellä omia mielipiteitäni.

  3. Asialla oli lafka nimeltä National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality.

    The National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), formerly the National Association for Research and Treatment of Homosexuality, is a non-profit organization dedicated to "affirming a complementary, male-female model of gender and sexuality".

    NARTH is part of the ex-gay movement that advocates using reparative therapy to convert people who experience same-sex sexual attraction to a heterosexual orientation. NARTH advocates question the circumstances surrounding the American Psychiatric Association's 1973 declaration that homosexuality is not a mental disorder.

    Kyseessä on siis uskovaisten pyörittämä pseudotieteellinen yhdistys, joka vastustaa homoseksuaalisuuden geneettisen selittämisen lisäksi varmaan yleensäkin geeniteoriaa eli biologiaa.

    Nämä hörhöt ovat kreationisteja, joiden mielestä totuus löytyy Raamatusta. Heikäläiset tuottavat tieteelliseksi naamioitua diskurssia "perustellakseen" uskonnolliset dogminsa. Neuvostoliitossa harrastettin vastaavaa marxilaista "tiedettä".

  4. Tuosta "vertailukuvasta" kerrottakoon, että postattuani sen eräälle amerikkalaiselle foorumille sain mm. tällaisen vastauksen (allaolevassa ei sinänsä ole mitään uutta tämän blogin lukijoille, mutta on hauska nähdä myös joidenkin amerikkalaisten kykenevän realistiseen ihmissuhdeajatteluun ja alemman tason miehille tyypillisten väärinkäsitysten kritisointiin):

    The problem with American MEN is that they get women's messages completely backwards.

    When guys ask girls what they like, they often take their responses as advice. This is a grave mistake. They will likely say, "I like to be complimented, flowers are nice, I like a nice guy who knows how to treat me." THIS IS NOT ADVICE. These are instructions for how to reduce your odds of getting laid down to nothing.

    When women tell you what they want, they are not telling you what will get you laid. They are instructing you on how to be as unintimidating as possible. They are instructing you on how to be a "good date." Girls DATE nice guys and BANG jerks. They talk about marrying their nice little boyfriends but dream about fucking bikers and rockstars. Don't believe me? Ask girls about the guys they've slept with and you'll hear: "Well, there was this asshole, and this asshole, and this other asshole." And of course, at some point she'll say "I can't believe I slept with him!" Wow, alot of your exes sure are jerks, you might say... to which they usually reply, "Well, they weren't exactly exes..."

    Why do girls sleep with jerks? Because jerks convey a vibe of confidence. Sure, many other things convey confidence too: money, power, expensive clothes, nice cars, etc. These things get men laid, too. Women may appreciate a nice guy on a cerebral level, as a human... but their inner cavewoman goes moist around the pheromones of a strong alpha male. They can't fight their biology. Some can merely suppress it. A chick who says she doesn't want to fuck jerks is, for all purposes, closeted.

    Just about the only thing that conveys confidence and yet is PC for women to admit to being turned on by is intelligence. Show of hands, ladies: anyone in here not turned on by intelligence? Now stop, freeze the image of the intelligent guy in your head: how many were picturing a sexy, assertive neurosurgeon and how many were picturing some meek, 4-eyed Trekkie? Whaddya know: confidence wins again.

    Men give in to urges, too. It's different for guys because, biologically, we're not as picky as women. If anything domestication conditioned pickiness into us; we probably learned it from women. Anyway, men know better than to screw crazy women, and yet ask any guy about his exes. "Well, there was this crazy bitch... and did I ever tell you about this other crazy bitch?" Wow, you sure date alot of crazy bitches, you might say to him... to which he will probably reply, "Yeah, but my GOD could she ever ride a dick." On some level we know crazy chicks are great in the sack. We know on a cerebral level to avoid them... but that's not the level we're operating on when push comes to fuck.

    So women screw jerks and men screw crazy chicks. And the next morning we all get together and claim to be looking for "nice people." And yeah, on the most conscious level, we could very well be. But you don't find yourself accidentally in bed with a nice guy/girl after a crazy party.

    Never ask a chick if the above analysis applies to them. They will always say no. Instead, ask them if the above analysis applies to other women.


Valitse itsellesi joku nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. Älä laita ruksia kohtaan "Anonyymi".