lauantaina, toukokuuta 08, 2004

Amerikka, vankilavaltio

Amerikka, "the land of the free" on täynnä vankiloita:
Jopa Kiinassa, jossa on 4,5 kertaa enemmän ihmisiä, on 30% vähemmän vankeja kuin Usassa. Vankeja on Tanzaniassa viisi kertaa, Saksassa seitsemän kertaa ja Iranissa kolme kertaa vähemmän suhteessa asukaslukuun kuin Usassa.
Venäläisille naisille kelpaavat länsimaiset miehet:
“For many, the desire to leave Russia is the only reason they marry foreigners.” “They are convinced they will live like queens when they are abroad. However, reality is often a far cry from this, and they often have a hard time adapting to their new lives and coping with cultural differences.”

Wealthier life is not the only reason why so many Russian women try to marry foreigners. Russia’s gender gap, with females exceeding males by 10 million, is another powerful cause. Another reason is that many women are totally disillusioned with Russian men. In their view, Russian men are “spoiled and infantile. This is a consequence of the past, particularly of the period following World War II, when (because so many men had been killed) each man was invaluable.
Kevin Donnelly(chief-of-staff to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations) sanoo, että Australian julkinen koulutus on kaapattu uuden ajan luokkataistelijoiden toimesta:
Public education is in crisis because political correctness, state-sponsored education fads and left-wing unions have skewed the teacher's role from objectivity to indoctrination. Dr Donnelly says the "culture wars" have denigrated the teaching of Australia's Anglo-Celtic history in favour of a "feminist, multicultural and neo-Marxist" interpretation. Sex education, for example, highlighted "positive aspects" of gay, lesbian and transgender lifestyles. "Forgotten is that many parents would consider the sexual practices of gays, lesbians and transgender individuals decidedly unnatural and that such groups have a greater risk in terms of transmitting STDs and AIDS," he wrote.

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