lauantaina, kesäkuuta 05, 2004

Artikkeleista poimittua

Nashvillessä eronnut henkilö ei saa nukkua samassa sängyssä uuden partnerin kanssa, jos ex-pariskunnan lapsi on samassa huoneistossa.
"There has to be some morality,'' said Nashville attorney Helen Rogers, ''What's this poor kid ? supposed to think when mom and dad divorce and two months later she's living with this other person?"

Rogers said that many women believe that men are the ones jailed for violating court orders, usually for failure to pay child support. However, she said women are more likely to violate provisions that restrict parents from sleeping with love interests while children are in the home. Many parents do take great pains to sleep with their romantic partners only when their children are not around, even if it proves inconvenient.
Lovelacen testistä poimittuina muutama linkki. Psykopaateilla menee hyvin työelämässä:
Psychopaths are remarkably successful at getting hired -- their charm and glibness makes them dynamite interviewees. Once on the job, they tend to rise quickly, thanks to their manipulative charisma, single-minded determination to win and nearly complete lack of remorse about who gets run over in their climb up the ladder. If they eventually get fired, psychopaths often have little trouble finding a new job.
Haluatko olla rikas:
If you're a woman, two distinct paths seem to increase the odds that you'll strike it rich: Marry young and don't have kids, or remain single your entire life. But if you're a man and dreaming of making a fortune, married or single men have about the same chance of becoming wealthy. Hirschl, Altobelli and Rank examined what marriage seems to do to the fortunes of men (not much) and women (jackpot!)

Forget kids if you're seeking financial rather than emotional riches. In statistical terms, children are a lousy short-term financial investment.
Sally Pipes(President and CEO at the California-based Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy) kirjoittaa naisten ja miesten välisistä palkkaeroista:
The 76-cent figure is meaningless because women?s earnings reflect lifestyle choices that are different than those of men. High-salaried, intelligent women are choosing to spend time at home with their families. And that time at home is, of course, reflected in earnings.

A study on salary differences between men and women should focus not on census data, as with this report. It should examine pay levels for the same job and with the same number of continuous years in the workforce. When that information is analyzed, as this column has often pointed out, there is very little difference between men and women. But facts count for little with proponents of this study.
Kasvatusongelmia sateenkaariperheessä.

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