maanantaina, kesäkuuta 07, 2004

Totta vai tarua?

Yhteiskunta kahlitsee naisten kasvun:
Girls do not reach the same height as men because society discourages their growth, says Colleen Hyphenated-Lastname, president of the Propaganda Organization for Women. "Society sends girls the message that they are not expected to grow tall," said Ms. Hyphenated-Lastname. "Girls are told to 'be a good little girl,' and to be 'mama's little helper,' while boys are encouraged to 'stand tall' and be a 'big man.' The reason that girls do not achieve equal tallness is that they aren't encouraged to...
Painovoima pitää naiset alistettuina:
"Gravity is designed to benefit men, who have thicker bones and greater upper-body strength. Today, we see the results everywhere of the patriarchy's efforts to keep women down. Gravity causes women to fall to their deaths out of windows or down stairs. It makes buildings collapse, killing women and children. It damages women's cars when some inconsiderate construction worker topples from the tenth floor and bounces off the hood.
Kuolleet miehet ovat terveempiä kuin naiset:
Dead men are healthier than most women, says a new study released by the Propaganda Organization for Women (POW). "Statistics show that women live about seven years longer than men," she said. "Thus women live long enough to suffer a variety of ailments that men never have to suffer. "Some people ask us -- ?what should be done about men dying earlier than women?' We say that obviously it means we have to put more money into improving the health of women. After all, it doesn't make any sense to spend our scarce health-care dollars on dead people."

"We also found that dead men are healthier in one other key area. In strict, laboratory conditions, we scanned the brain waves of a random sampling of dead men. For a control group, we then scanned the brain waves of a random sampling of members of our feminist group." "The dead men scored higher in every respect."
Joissain maissa miesten kapina on jo alkanut. Milloin meillä?

Yksinhuoltajaperheiden lasten terveys on huonompi kuin molempivanhempaisten perheiden lasten.

Ranskalaiset uudelleenluokittelevat viinin ruuaksi sen sijaan, että se luokiteltaisiin alkoholijuomaksi. Milloin kossu saa saman kohtelun?

Australialainen lastensarja saa aikaan hämmennystä esittelemällä nuoren tytön vanhempina lesbopariskunnan.

Feminismin päämäärä.

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