Offensive Japanese Game "Rapelay" Banned from The UK
The game was intended for release just in Japan, but was on offer to British buyers through Amazon Marketplace, the section of the online store's website open to third-party sellers.
But Amazon has now withdrawn the game after complaints from users, deeming it to be inappropriate.
Thoughts on the RapeLay Video Game
Players begin the game by stalking a mother on a subway station before violently raping her. They then move on to attack her two daughters described as virgin schoolgirls.
Players are also allowed to enter ‘freeform mode’ where they can rape any woman and get other male game characters to join the attacks.
And You Thought Grand Theft Auto Was Bad
Ilkeä fiktio ilkeille ihmisille
Video games: the permissibility of murder but not rape
Remember Grand Theft Auto: Someone released a patch so you could see your character having sex with women, that wasn't even rape, it was love making. The result was a public outcry for the game to be banned. The game already had an 18 certificate, you could commit mass murder, steal cars, beat people up, take drugs, drink & drive, rob shops, commit burglaries, gamble and break into government facilities. But as soon as it showed a man having sex with a consenting woman, it went too far.
5 kommenttia:
Rice approved CIA waterboarding
Vanha kunnon Rapelay. Mistähän se aina putkahtaa? Hämmentävää, kaikin puolin.
"kansansedustaja Satu Hassille"
Hassi on muuten europarlamentaarikko.
Toisaalta närkästyneisyyden ymmärtää, mutta kun kyseessä on peli, jota kukaan järkevä kauppias ei myisi tässä maassa...
Noh, tuntemattomia ovat feministien tiet. Luulisi kumminkin, että niitä kriittisempiäkin ajankulutuksen kohteita on.
Ihan mielenkiintoista pohdintaa siitä miksi murha on sallittua mutta raiskaus ei, tuossa linkissä. Mutta silti melkoinen tekopyhyys paistaa.. pikkuhousujen näkeminen pelissä on kauhea haloo, mutta tuhansien miesten tappaminen mitä erilaisimmilla tavoilla on ihan 'otatko lisää kahvia'-tasoinen asia.
- Vortac
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