Kirjoitin aikaisemmin Diili-ohjelmasta ja kas kummaa, lienevätkö Englannin kommentaattorit kopioineet, aivan sama ilmiö toistuu sikäläisessä Apprentice-ohjelmassa:
The first very problematic thing it throws up, or at least the first that struck me, is how hopeless most of the women were (at least when working with other women) compared with the men. They tried to be co-operative and conciliatory (in the way that women are usually supposed to do) but in fact they were constantly quarrelling, sulking, undermining each other and behaving like prima donnas.Ollaanko tässä nyt jonkin suuremman valaistumisen jäljillä - eikö naisista tosiaankaan ole tiimityöhön naisjoukkueessa?
They spent quite a lot of time on management speak, about how they see their roles and what they mean by leadership, but they were in fact divided, indecisive and resentful.
The boys, by contrast, talked a great deal less, co-operated far more, were far more decisive and seemed better able to make the most of each other?s abilities ? contrary to all the clichés about gender difference. And they had much more fun.
The mystery of all this was that although the boys? egos were clearly just as inflated as the girls? (and probably more so), they were far better at controlling them in the interests of joint success. They seemed instinctively to know how to negotiate between co-operation and competition.
The girls? dutiful efforts to persuade themselves that loyalty and co-operation were best were at times risible ? most evident in the most hopeless cause, with misplaced loyalty. And the girls? attempts to be manipulative ? supposedly a female skill ? were obvious and unsuccessful; the boys were much better at it.