Lasten kirja-arvosteluja
Anni Sinnemäki kertoo Ilta-Lehdessä: "Tytöt eivät saa ilmaista itseään sillä tavalla kuin haluavat. Mikseivät säännöt koske ikinä poikia. Skeittipojat saavat vetää alushousut esillä maata laahaavissa lahkeissa ilman aikuisten paheksumista. Tyttöjen paheksunnassa on mukana naisvihamielisyyttä." Rosa Meriläinen sanoo: "Roiskeläppäfeministin sydäntä jurppivat kadunvarsien alusvaatemainoksia enemmän perinteiset pesuainemainokset. Luullaanko naisten olevan niin tyhmiä?"Sarjassamme epäonnistuneita kadunnimiä.
Eiih. Äärioikeistolaisen unelmalahja tyttärelleen.
Lasten kirjoittamia kirja-arvosteluja: "In this book Sam keeps asking a guy to eat green eggs and ham and he doesn't like it. Sam keeps asking him to eat green eggs and ham and he keeps saying he doesn't like green eggs and ham. We think you should read this book because it's funny because at the end he likes ham."
"If you like animals you should read this book. I like this book too. If you do not like animals you do not have to read this book. We like the story because it is about animals. You will love this book."
"This book is about a frog that gets dressed. First he forgets to put on his pants. Then he forgets to put on his shirt. Then he forgets to put on his coat. Then he forgets to put on his underwear. We recommend this book because it's it funny that he had to take off and put on his clothes every time."
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