NY Times: In recent years, women’s health has been a national priority. Yet statistics show that men are more likely than women to suffer an early death. Now some advocates and medical scientists are beginning to ask a question that in some circles might be considered politically incorrect: Is men's health getting short shrift?
We've got men dying at higher rates of just about every disease. Men's health advocates say that men are silently suffering through what may be a serious health crisis.
But the mere suggestion that men need their own health bureau or that they must advocate for their rights like a victimized minority rankles some women's health advocates, and some politicians are reluctant to take men’s health on as a cause, for fear of alienating women.
Cynthia Pearson, executive director of the National Women's Health Network: "During the first half-century of our nation's investment in medical research, the majority of resources went to studying men and the conditions that affected men disproportionately," she said. "Is their health perfect? No. But they don't need a movement."
Tyyllistä feministien harjoittamaa miesten oikeuksien polkemista.
1 kommentti:
Cynthialta olisi tietenkin mukava kysyä, että mitä pelkästään miehiin vaikuttavaa tutkimusta tehtiin niin tohkeissaan kokonaista 50 vuotta?
Nykyisistä tilastoista päätellen tutkimuskohteena on täytynyt olla joko miesten rintasyöpä tai kohdunkaulasyöpä. Nehän ovat suunnilleen ainoita sairauksia, joihin miehiä kuolee vähemmän kuin naisia.
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