Feministit pornoa vastaan
Reclaim The Night:- On the train, a young man was reading a lads mag- he was sitting next to a woman openly reading his porn, without a second thought of how those images may make her feel. So, I went over, stuck a sticker on his mag whilst he was reading it, saying ‘Porn Harms Women’...then walked off!
- During the evening, I spotted a few young men with a 5ft inflateable penis in the bar. I had spotted them previous to this near the march, and on their way in discussing amongst themselves if this was a ‘feminist party’. They had obviously come in to check out what was going on- thought it would be a laugh. I went over to them to get a closer look at their penis. They Impotent Penisasked me if I wanted to sign it- to which I declined and rallied Sparkle and Bea for reinforcements. When we told them about the occasion and how inappropriate it was for them to bring in a giant penis into a gathering against sexual violence, they couldn’t grasp this. Sparkle got so mad that she grabbed a pen and stabbed the penis until it was deflated.
- I spotted two men dancing with a broken ‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights’ placard. They had broken it and were dancing around taking the piss. So we went over to confront them ,which involved them almost being booted down the stairs!
- So, as we walked through the streets of London with our anti-rape placards, we had a few hostile encounters from men. Bea put them nicely in their place by reminding them that dead men don’t rape, nor do men who have had their dicks and their testicles cut off. As we got food from a takeout, we got asked if we were ‘bitter feminists’…We also got the classic counter-argument- what about all the men who are victims..? Yawn…
5 kommenttia:
Andrea Dworkinin perintö siis elää ja voi hyvin. Ja jatkaahan Sheila Jeffreys edelleen samaa missiota menestyksellisesti.
Bea put them nicely in their place by reminding them that dead men dont rape, nor do men who have had their dicks and their testicles cut off.
Jep jep. Miehet varmaan menivät paniikkiin ja juoksivat karkuun kun vahvat, itsenäiset naiset näyttivät missä kaappi seisoo. Huooh.
Voitaisiin tietenkin vastaavasti tehdä "Feminism harms men" -tarroja joka paikkaan liimailtavaksi. Siinä on vain sellainen vika, että nämä tämän jutun feministit näkisivät niissä tarroissa pelkästään positiivisen viestin...
"When we told them about the occasion and how inappropriate it was for them to bring in a giant penis into a gathering against sexual violence, they couldn’t grasp this. Sparkle got so mad that she grabbed a pen and stabbed the penis until it was deflated. Nice one Sparkle! Then Bea came over and nicely threw drink in their faces."
Eihän tuo juttu voi olla totta, eihän kukaan voi olla noin hullu. Onhan tuo parodiaa? Onhan?!
Jos tuo oli totta, miksi noita ämmiä ei vedetty turpaan?
F-pisteen, eli Turun yliopiston naistutkimuksen ainejärjestön sivuille pääsee Tästä. F-piste tunnettiin aiemmin nimellä F-point.
Noilta varsin mielenkiintoisilta sivuilta osui silmääni "Linkkejä" -sivulta ::kivaa -osuudesta feministien mielestä ilmeisen hauska peli, eli Heitä poikaa kivellä. Peli varmaankin edistää tasa-arvoa. Jotenkin tuosta poikaa kivillä viskelevän tytön ulkoisesta habituksesta tulee mieleeni Reetta Räty.
Jostain syystä samassa ::kivaa -osuudessa oleva "Pelaa itsellesi naistutkimuksen tohtorintutkinto" -linkki ei toimi. Harmi.
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