Voiko suhde toimia, jos kumppani on tyhmempi?
Deittailu on tuuripeliä, myös verkossa
Iceland is determined to outlaw the world’s oldest business. Can it succeed?
Feminist blogger hiding
Tutkija: Äitipuoli leimataan perheenrikkojaksi usein turhaan
Peter Lloyd: 'Why I'm suing my gym over their sexist women-only hours'
An open letter to men's rights activists
We Went to a Men's Rights Lecture in Toronto. And Discovered That They're a Bunch of Losers
29 kommenttia:
Demarit riitaantuivat islamista
Ali ja Husu
Kukkahattusedät iloitsevat: "Nyt tulee pesää!". Ali ja Husu ottavat mittaa toisistaan tulevassa lähetyksessä. Kumpi on romanttisempi? Tekeekö runoilu miehestä romanttisen? Voivatko Ali ja Husu ylipäätään olla romanttisia? Romantiikan tiellä ovat opastamassa runoilevat koomikot eli Kukkahattusedät Risto K. Järvinen ja Pete Harju.
Henry Laasanen: Iceland is determined to outlaw the world’s oldest business. Can it succeed?
The Economist: Banning the sex industry
Naked ambition
ULTRA-LIBERAL Iceland wants to ban online pornography. It is just the latest step in its attempts to eliminate the sex industry entirely. In 2009 it introduced fines and jail terms for those who patronise prostitutes (whom it treats as victims). In 2010 it outlawed strip clubs. In February the government decided to take on the glut of smut online and floated the idea of banning violent or degrading pornography, which some Icelanders take to mean most of it. No country has yet wholly succeeded in controlling commercial sex, either through legalisation or criminalisation. But all over the world, particularly in rich democracies, policymakers are watching to see whether Iceland succeeds—and may follow in its footsteps if it does.
Henry Laasanen: Peter Lloyd: 'Why I'm suing my gym over their sexist women-only hours'
MailOnline: Peter Lloyd: 'Why I'm suing my gym over their sexist women-only hours'
• Peter Lloyd is suing his gym over banning men at certain times
• Men and boys are banned for a total of 442 hours every year
• The gym say it is to make women more comfortable
• 'I'm suing the gym for gender bias. Not simply because their policy is unfair, but because it pathologises masculinity while simultaneously repressing it.'
Lukijan erotarina: Vaimoni rakastui siskoni mieheen - lapsistamme tuli serkkusiskopuolia
Anonyymi: Lukijan erotarina: Vaimoni rakastui siskoni mieheen - lapsistamme tuli serkkusiskopuolia
Ilta-Sanomat: "17 vuoden avioliiton ja 25 yhdessäolovuoden päätti vaimoni eräänä toukokuisena maanantai-iltana antama ilmoitus: "Olen rakastunut toiseen mieheen ja haluan erota". Ei siinä mitään, mutta kun se uusi mies oli sinkoni mies ja he asuivat naapurissamme. …
Näin siskoni ja minä jäimme yhtäaikaisesti ilman kumppania lapsinemme. Minulle on neljä ja siskolleni on kaksi lasta. Ex-vaimoni ja siskon ex-mies menivät naimisiin ja niin lapsistamme tuli serkkusiskopuolia. …
Miehet arvostavat luomunaisia – kauneusleikkauksiin vain lihavat, pienirintaiset ja huonohampaiset
Pornovideo suututti perheen: MTV-teiniäiti häädettiin kotoaan!
10 normista poikkeavaa seksimieltymystä
Miehen Demonisoitu Seksuaalisuus
Tutkittu juttu: Naisten vaatekaapit tursuavat turhuuksista!
Kysy seksistä: Mikä avuksi vuosia kestäneisiin seksiongelmiimme?
Feministien häikäilemättömät valheet ja vääristely johtamassa taas haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien ihmisten aseman heikentymiseen:
The truth about trafficking: it's not just about sexual exploitation
Feminist and faith groups define trafficking as forced sex work – a simplification that hinders help for victims of coerced labour
Do we actually want to rid Europe of its sex workers?
There is an alternative, of course, but one that requires even more vision. In July a report by the UN-backed Global Commission on HIV and the Law recommended that all countries decriminalise private and consensual adult sexual behaviours, including same-sex sexual acts and voluntary sex work. It specifically stated that this should also apply to the Swedish model, concluding that criminalising the buying of sex had actually worsened the working lives of prostitutes in that country. Decriminalisation, which is very different to legalisation, has been in place in New Zealand since 2003. Safety has improved, the segregation that occurs with tolerance zones has been avoided, and there has been no increase in prostitution.
Tässä vielä tuo:
HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights and Health
Sexworkers Critique of Swedish Prostitution policy
Swedish feminism's taking sides on the country's current Act Prohibiting the Purchase of Sexual Services is more about finely calibrating the Swedish middle class than improving the conditions of women sex workers
Työnantajat toimivat laittomasti työhaastattelussa – näitä ei saisi kysyä
Kannattaako sinun pysyä exäsi kanssa ystävinä? Testaa!
Beaten by a baying mob: Shocking video shows schoolgirls shouting encouragement as teenage victim is kicked and punched on the floor
The footage, filmed on a smartphone, is believed to show two pupils from a school in Queens being attacked by several older girls.
Newlywed murdered near to her young son after she decided to leave the country just five months into her marriage
She was found by police in her home with serious neck injuries.
20-year-old woman arrested in early hours of today on suspicion of murder
American Pie actor Eddie Kaye Thomas' alleged stalker arrested twice prior to barricading herself in his home with a knife
Homo: Sexworkers Critique of Swedish Prostitution policy
Petra Östergren: In this article I will not deal with the complex issue of whether prostitution is socially or otherwise desirable. Rather this article seeks to document some of the experiences and opinions of female sexworkers in Sweden. I have been concerned by the fact that the very women who are at the center of prostitution policy are so rarely heard and so often feel discriminated against. If equal rights for women is important, then the experience of sexworkers themselves must surely be central to our discussion, regardless of what position one takes on prostitution.
Homo: Swedish feminism's taking sides on the country's current Act Prohibiting the Purchase of Sexual Services is more about finely calibrating the Swedish middle class than improving the conditions of women sex workers
axess.se/Petra Östergren: Brave new man
… And whereas male sexuality is portrayed as aggressive and uncontrollable, female sexuality is seen as peaceful and intimacy-oriented.
Voiko muslimi olla demari?
Nimetön työnhaku vaati mustaa tussia
Miten saan miehen kiinnostumaan itsestäni? Ellit listasi 10 vinkkiä!
Miehen tuoksu villitsee naisen – näin hedelmällisyys vaikuttaa parinvalintaan
Anonyymi: Nimetön työnhaku vaati mustaa tussia
hs.fi: "Mustasimme hakemuksista kaikki tiedot, jotka eivät liittynyt hakijan osaamiseen – kuten nimen, osoitteen, iän, sukupuolen, siviilisäädyn, perhetiedot, kansalaisuuden, äidinkielen ja syntymäpaikan. Myös opiskelupaikat peitettiin, koska ulkomainen yliopisto voisi paljastaa hakijan taustan", Attias kertoo.
Haastattelija sai siis ennen työhaastattelua tietoonsa vain hakijan ammatin, tutkintonimikkeen ja työkokemuksen.
"Peittämiseen meni aikaa noin päivä", Attias muistelee.
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