Älykkäät naiset eivät pääse naimisiin
Tutkimus: An exhaustive study of people from primary school to middle age has proved that clever men are much more likely to marry than those with lesser intelligence.
But for female high-flyers, the reverse is true. Their chances of walking up the aisle are considerably lower than those of classmates who left school at 16.
The study, based on 900 men and women, measured their IQ at the age of 11 then revisited them 40 years later to find out whether they had ever married.
Academics at the four British universities who carried out the survey said the schoolgirls with high IQs later witnessed a dramatic decline in their marriage prospects.
For boys, there is a 35% increase in the likelihood of marriage for each 16-point rise in IQ. For girls, there is a 40% drop for each 16-point increase.
Tuohan on tietenkin yleisessäkin tiedossa. Mikä lienee ilmiöön syynä?
Nicola Horlick wrote her book on career and domestic bliss, its title posed the question: Can You Have It All? The answer, it appears, is yes ? but only if you are a man.
The results are borne out by evidence from psychologists that successful career women are struggling to find "interesting men" who are interested in them.
Tottakai kenellä tahansa on ongelmia löytää partnereita, jos henkilö ensin kehittää omia ominaisuuksiaan vastakkaista sukupuolta ällöttävään suuntaan ja vastaavasti nostaa kriteereitään yhä ylemmäs. Kyseessähän ei kuitenkaan ole mikään todellinen ongelma, vaan ihan tieten tahtoen aiheutettu dilemma.
Women achievers, however, find it difficult to find men willing to sacrifice their careers to become house husbands.
Ha haa! Tikahdun nauruun! Eli miehellä pitää olla ura, jonka hänen pitäisi sitten uhrata naisen takia. Haloo! Työttömiä sinkkumiehiä on pilvin pimein! Heidän ei tarvitse luopua urastaan.
"Maybe you can?t necessarily have a happy marriage if you end up being a very high-powered woman", she said. "It may be that men find it difficult living with a woman who?s forging ahead."
Niin, aivan totta. Jos nainen kehittää epänaisellisuuttaan tieten tahtoen, niin ei ole ihme, jos menestyvät miehet karkoittuvat. Sama kuin mies kehittäisi itseään mahdollisimman epävarmaksi nörtiksi tarkoituksella.
But it is true that men do not want women more intelligent than themselves. It bolsters their position if their partner is not too challenging.
Niin, miksi menestyvän naisen pitää uhata miehen asemaa suhteessa? Onko se vaivan väärti, jos kerran miehet karkottuvat?
Women want independence but we are all hard-wired into wanting to be into relationships. The paradox of the post-feminist position is how we create a social system in which both independence and inter-dependency can flourish.
Feminismissähän kaikki on paradoksia, kun sitä yritetään soveltaan onnellistuneesti käytäntöön. Ei mitään uutta.
A chap with a high IQ is going to get a demanding job that is going to take up a lot of his energy and time. In many ways he wants a woman who is an old-fashioned wife and looks after the home, a copy of his mum in a way.
Se on tietenkin selvää. Silloin miehelle jää aikaa hoitaa hommansa kunnolla. Menestyneitten naisten pitäisi ottaa mallia miehistä ja ottaa itselleen tyhmiä työttömiä kotimiehiä eläteiksi. Se edistäisi tasa-arvoakin.
Too smart to be a wife: Many men do feel intimidated by intelligent women. If their mum and dad played traditional roles, even if they are liberal themselves, they have to do a huge leap to find a way of finding and holding down a new role from the one they were shown as a child.
Pointtihan on siinä, että älykkyys sinänsä on positiivinen asia, mutta kun älykäs nainen alkaa käyttää enemmän valtaa parisuhteessa vain siksi, koska hän on älykäs, tuo muassaan ongelmia.
Marriage is good for men. They actually like being married - when they aren't depression sets in.
Niinpä. Siinäpä syytä älykkäille naisille helpottaa tyhmien miesten masentuneisuutta.
Future Pundit: One possible cause of this result is that many smarter women find it beneath them to be wives. Or perhaps they are too choosy in wanting higher status men whereas the men are not as choosy about status of females and hence can find a suitable mate from a much larger pool of women. Men are more driven to seek physical beauty and youth as a result of selective pressures to seek fertile mates. Whereas natural selection favored a female preference for higher status men as better providers.
Another possible cause in the reduction in marriage rates for higher IQ women is that they spend more time in school than lower IQ women and therefore delay marriage past the point of their maximum attractiveness and maximum fertility.
It is likely that many high IQ women choose the career path--they make the choice for themselves. If they are at a disadvantage, perhaps they place themselves at a disadvantage by:
1. Only being willing to "marry up" in income and social status.
2. Pursue a career during the child-bearing years, then try to play "catch-up" after it's too late.
3. High IQ women may be more likely to adopt the concept of hyper-independence for women, which makes it more difficult to learn the sort of accomodation often necessary for a successful marriage.
4. There is a universal disrespect and disdain toward men among feminists. Many high-IQ women are drawn toward the feminist doctrine while in universities. By the time they grow out of it, their child bearing years are over.
5. Many high IQ women that I have dated needed to be taught how to be intimate. Perhaps they come to intimacy later than most women, but such discomfort in intimacy is often reflected in clumsiness in dealing with "approach" type behavior, or flirting. They may unintentionally turn off many men.
Tuossa onkin hyviä selityksiä ilmiölle. Eivät miehet ehdoin tahdoin halua tyhmiä naisia - miehet haluavat naisia, jotka ovat älykkäitä, mutta jotka samalla hoitavat vaimon rooliin kuuluvat asiat - samat asiat, jotka miesten äiditkin hoitivat. Tuota taitoa ei älykkäillä naisilla useinkaan ole.